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I smile brightly as my mom pulled up to Ryan's home. " Y-Yay! I can't believe we're a-already back. Th-That vacation w-was boring w-with out him." I giggle. My mom rolls her eyes and shakes her head, " it wanst that bad Bren."

" y-yes it was."

she sighs, " yeah, it was. especially when aunt Kelly started yelling at you because you liked guys and wore girl clothes. What a bitch." she says, making me laugh.

" Alright go suprise lover boy."

I smile with a blush creeping up on my face, " y-yeah. Okay."


After Andy let me in, I ran past him and to the steps, quickly running up them with a giggle.

I can't wait to see him again!

Hahahahahaha... oh but you wish you didn't..

I walked up to his door with a big smile, looking down on myself to see if my skirt and sweater looked right, which, they did. I smile confidently and open the door. " R-Ryan im-" I cut myself off at the sight.

There was another guy on his lap, the two in a passionate and heated kiss. The brown hair boy on Ryan's lap had his hand half way up Ryan's shirt.

" Wh-What the f-fuck?" I say with a cracked voice, tears clouding my vision. Ryan pulls away from the guy and looks past him at me. " Brendon! Babe-"

" n-no.." I whisper, walking backwards. " Baby-"

" n-no, Ryan!" I yell, turning around before storming out of his room.

Who the hell was that guy? and what was he doing with.. no, I know what he was doing with Ryan.

" Brendon!"

I ignore him and carefully storm down the stairs. My eyes were still filled with tears and I could barely see, I didn't want to fall. Or..

Maybe I did.

No. You'll be okay..

" Brendon," Ryan says, making me jump when he grabbed my arm. I pull away from him and turn around, not looking at him.

" Listen, I didn't want him to. He just- He just threw himself on me-"

" Th-Thats what they a-all say damn it! Th-That's what th-they all say! You w-were kissing him bback, Ryan! He w-was all over y-you and you were a-all over him!" I yell at him. He goes to talk again, but I cut him off.

" W-We're done. I-I don't want to t-talk or see you a-anymore."

" baby-"

" It's Brendon now."


My mom asked me what was wrong, I told her me and Ryan weren't together anymore and she basically cussed Ryan out for cheating on me.

It hurt me.. even though he didn't hear it.

I was sitting in my room under my bed sheets. I wasn't crying, yet. My heart was broken but I was too shocked to cry. It hurts to not be able to sob my eyes out when I need to.

The one thing I thought of was one person.

I sigh and sit up from my bed, jumping off of it. I pull on my seekers and walk out of my room.

" Where you going darling?"

I stop at the front door, grabbing my pink jacket from the hook. " P-Pat's. He'll ch-cheer me up." I smile at her. She smiles back, reaching over to the side table of her chair. She grabs the keys and throws them to me, catching them easily.

" Be careful babe." she says. I nod.


I stood on the porch, knocking on the wooden door, waiting impatiently. Soon the door opens and I'm meet with pure blue eyes.

" H-Hi." I smile. The teen looks suprised to see me, his mouth hung open with wide eyes.

" Uh.. Hi." he smiles. I nibble on my bottom lip nervously. " How are you Bren?"

" I-Im fine."

" You don't look it-"

" Dal, I'm f-fine." I say. Dallon sighs and steps aside and gestures me to come in. I smile and walk into the warm house. " So.. what's up?" He asks. I shrug, " j-just been having a h-hard time I guess."

" How are you and Ry-" I cut him off by reaching up, connecting my lips with his. He hesitates for a second before kissing me back passionately. We were like this for a while until I pulled away to catch my breath. " Wh-Where are your p-parents..?" I ask.

" business trip-"

I cut him off again with a kiss, but this the it was more heated and needy.

" T-take me to your b-bedroom please?" I ask Innocently. He smirks and picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. " I'm sorry for hitting you that night."

" Y-You can make i-it up to me wh-when were in bed, l-love."


I woke up in Dallons bed, his arms wrapped around me. My eyes welled up with tears at the thought of yesterday's events. " Hey, you okay?" Dallon asks, grabbing my hand to hold it. I shrug and squeeze his hand for comfort. " I-I don't know.." I whisper. He smiles and kisses my nose. " You're okay, I'm okay, were okay." he says. I nod and cuddle up to his chest.

" Bren?"

" y-yeah?"

" I love you."

I smile lightly,

" I-I know."


* short *

!!Trigger warning!!

* a week later, school has started by now for them *

I sat on my bed, music blasting through my stereo. My wrist felt heavy as they ached with pain.

I was done.

So done.

Brendon was my baby, my love.

My will to live.

It was Saturday. A whole to four weeks without his voice, his touch, him. He completely ignored me and hung out with Dallon and everyone else. Most of my friends stopped talking to me, well, besides Andy.

But he lives with me.

I lost everything. Everything but my life.

Which is what I was attempting to take now. I look over at my deeply cut wrist and close my eyes, everything went completely dark and the music started to drown out.

( Had to add his stuttering oops )

Bullied - Ryden ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now