week 2: New love

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Grace has moved on from Shane however Ember hasnt there is no longer a feud between the two. Everyone thinks that Grace hasn't moved on but she said she has. Rayleigh has been acting weird no one has noticed but I have I noticed a change in her voice and the way she acts. I have no idea why she is  acting this way. It's the weekend so me and my friends have decided to hang out. We meet up at the park. As soon as I  get there I can see everyone argueing but Ember isn't there. I walk up to everyone and ask what's wrong? Shayla tells me shane ran away because he couldn't handle it. Handle what I said as Grace bursts out in tears obviously devastated. When's he comeing back  I said. He's not grace says. What do you mean he's not comeing back? he has to I said. He left a note to his parents and said he wasn't comeing back until he finds out who is pregnant with his baby. BABY? What do you mean baby? He said he got someone pregnant he won't tell us who. Do you guys think it might be Ember? I mean she's not here. I don't think she would've done that said jaylin and rayleigh. On the other hand me Grace and Shayla think it might be true. We'll I guess we have to find out who it is so he will come back. How are we gonna do that said rayleigh. No idea said jaylin. How could he have done this to me? He said he loved me grace said as she ran to her bike and went home. I thought she was over shane? Well I guess not or she wouldn't have been that upset said rayleigh. We continued we'll I guess that means we should be getting home too I guess because it's getting late. Yeah I got to go said shayla as we all said bye. The next day at school shayla and ember were both gone they didn't even tell us they werent going to be there. But for some reason shane was back we ran up to him and asked him what was going on. He said that he was joking and had to get to class before the bell rung. We went back to class and as soon as the bell rung the drama started up again this time it was between Shane and some new girl. How could you do this to me we've been together for 3 months! The random girl said. Three months we saaid to eachother as we continued. What does he mean 3 months Jaylin said he never said anything about him having a girlfriend. We have to tell Grace and Ember i said. No! No one say anything about this we don't want them to be even more upset said Shayla. We'll if we don't soon they are gonna figure out we didn't tell them said Rayleigh . They will get so mad and it's just gonna start more shit i said as i went to my locker to get my book for class. The next day at school we told them about what happened and they wanted to know why he lied about getting someone pregnant and having a girlfriend. Rumors went around the school that he got Ember or grace pregnant because thats who he was always with. Soon enough they were called to the principals office to answer some auestioms about the rumors they also called in shane. Shane is it true you got one of these girls pregnant? asked the principal. No sir said Shane. Where did you go the day you ran away from home? I didn't run away I went to visit my aunt in tulsa. Ok kids y'all can go back to class. Shane Ember and Grace didn't even say a word to eachother in the hall. Shayla had noticed a new kid his name is Mike d. Dark brown hair tall and he plays football. What's the point shayla says he doesn't even know I exist. You don't know that unless you talk to him said Ember. I will trust me said shayla with a look on her face that made it look like she had never smiled a day in her life.

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