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"You piece of shit!"

I run towards my room closing the door as I enter, while ignoring my Auntys' scream, for accidentally burning one of her eggs. I process the rude sentences she shouts, letting it go from one ear to another, then out. Trying my hardest to think positive, while being stuck in a negative situation.

Being the emotional me, I sit on the floor with my back leaning against my door, burying my face in my hands, as tears streamed down my face. Why is this World so cold.

She finally stops throwing insults, filling the whole house with silence. I breathe heavily and look around me, thoughts of what she might do next filling my head. I back away from the door and slowly walk towards my bed, when the door flies open, revealing a blonde lady in her mid 30s who displayed a mad look.

I gulp as fear consumes my face as I slowly back up, as she takes small yet slow steps towards me. "You're such an ungrateful brat, why don't you do me and your uncle a favour and kill yourself no one would want a 20 year old slut like you" she yelled looking me up and down. Unable to control myself, tears start to stroll down my face, with my back touching the wall, no longer able for me to back up.

She reaches out her hand and slaps me across my face, leaving a red mark as a result. I quickly place my hand over my cheek, to see a smirk displayed on her pale face, knowing she wasn't done and was intending do more harm, I closed my eyes and used my arms to block my face, which was intensely stinging.

That was until the sound of brakes from a car, pulling up in the driveway can be heard which stops her from continuing her abusive act. She brushes off invisible dust off her clothes, and plasters a smile on her face, walking out of my room, towards the front door to my uncle.

I sigh in relief and walk towards my door closing it. I jump on my bed staring at the ceiling, thinking of how to get out of these type of situations.

I should probably just run away again, it must've made my mum happy, so it'd probably make my uncle happy.

Someone slowly opens the door, revealing it was my uncle. He smiles at me until he notices the red mark on my face, replacing a smile with a frown. I sat up and looked at him, "Natalya, who done that" he pointed at my face with a worried look expressed on his face.

I gulp, building up the confidence to not lie but tell the truth. "Your wife" I sighed. He froze on the spot, processing what I've said.

Please he believes me.
Please he believes me.

The frown suddenly disappears off his face leaving him with a straight face, "Natalya don't you ever accuse my wife of such things, don't try and break my family after all I've done for you" He replied through gritted teeth pointing his finger at me. I sighed and nodded knowing there was no point of convincing him. He shook his head and exited my room, slamming the door in the process, causing me to flinch.

I fell back on my bed, puffing in disappointment. I grab my blanket and throw it over me, ignoring the screams from outside my window. Screams from the alleyway. My uncle lives in a small house, next to an alleyway. Screams can be heard every night and even sometimes gunshots.

Most nights I wish it was fired at me.

I close my eyes, imagining a plan on how to runaway, maybe my life can finally make a happy change, I smiled at my ridiculous thought, letting darkness overcome me.

But really, What if?

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