6. what do i say?

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Eren spent the build up of his day looking up outfit ideas, possible date scenarios, flirting tips and '10 ways to look flirty, dirty and fine'.
The boy had decided on skinny jeans, framing his petite body and staying close to the golden skin; followed by a basic striped top, baggy on Eren's scrawny figure.
"Knock knock" a Familiar voice called, with two slow knocks following.
"W-who is it?" Eren jumped, dropping the pencil half in his mouth.
"The big bad wolf, who do you think?" Levi chuckled, "now cmon, we're gonna be late!"
Eren hopped off of his bed, stumbling; swinging the white satchel over his shoulder and opening the door. Beaming at the man in front of him.
"okay, l-let's go"
Levi let out a slight smile, his fingers subtly intertwining with the younger's.
"So I hope you like Italian."
I'm not eating this week.
"S-sounds great!"
"Good, the best pizza in town. Oh and by far the fucking raddest beer."
I'll throw it up
"Really? I'm excited!" Eren let the lies bubble and singe his tongue, the false promise of digesting food burning him like acid.
As the two arrived at the quaint restaurant, Eren swallowed; nerves threatening to override his logic.
"You okay?" Levi's brow furrowed, glancing down at Eren.
"Y-yeah just... it's nothing"
"Well, I'm not going to rush you. But if any thing is wrong you can tell me."
Eren smiled, never feeling as protected in his life.
Levi led him into the restaurant, reciting his name and reservation at the counter. Smiling at Eren as he gasped and beamed at the table that was laid out for them.
The table had been decorated in small pink rose petals, two candles sat on either side of a rose vase. A white table cloth underdressing the whole lot.
He watched, stared and took in the image of the teenager admiring the restaurant.
Levi pulled out Eren's chair for him, the teen blushing and following suit.
"So how do you know about this restaurant?" Eren chirped up, never being the best at small talk. Or socialising at all for that matter...
Levi shrugged as he took of his jacket, "My mum would take me when I was little, since then I've never really let this place go. Why'd you ask, brat?" He replied, smirking slightly at the bright tint spread across Eren's cheeks at the nickname.
"Sorry, I meant shitty brat."
"Huh?" Eren looked up confused.
"You're the shittiest of the brats, shitty brat."
"Oh...uhm- thankyou?" He giggled in response the the older mans unconventional humour.
"So there's a difference between a brat and a shitty brat?"

Levi gasped. "He swears!"
Oh my gosh shut up!" Eren hid behind his hands, peeking out just enough to see Levi.
"Well, in response to your question shitty brat. There is in fact, an astronomical difference!"
"I like you, so you're shitty. I don't mean you smell like shit or anything- you smell good for a brat. But you're special, so you're my shitty brat." Levi explained, watching the younger boy laugh, blush and perk up at the explanation.
Eren laughed. "I think I get it now."
Time passed and conversation grew, Eren almost wetting himself from hysterics.
They bonded, joked, flirted and were a picture perfect couple, infatuated and joyous.

When the food arrived Eren felt his stomach fall through the floor, whispers and urges to run flooded his brain.
You can't say no Eren, Levi's paying for this. It's only food. Only food. Only fo-
"Oi. Jaeger. Are you okay?" Levi interrupted Erens thoughts.
"Did they bring you the wrong thing? Because you can-"

"No no no! The food looks delicious!"
Levi smiled slightly, taking a sip of his beer.
"I'm glad, my mum loved it here." Levi said, looking around fondly as Eren delved into the platter before him. Levi was not far behind, indulging in his pizza almost mid conversation.

Eren hadnt ever tasted anything so amazing, spices entangling his senses.
"Th-this is amazing!" He exclaimed, beaming at Levi. The thoughts of vomiting long behind him.
After the meal, barely a scrap left on the plate Levi requested the bill.
He smiled watching Eren babble on about his art.

"Sorry... I'm- I do this thing where I talk too much, everyone says it's really a-annoying so- I'm sorry I'll- I'm being really attention seeking I- uh-"
He mumbled looking down at the table cloth.

"Relax brat, I thought it was cute."
Levi gulped down the last drop of his beer, smirking at Eren.
"Oh and kid?"
"Hm?" The brown haired boy looked up;
"Who says that's annoying?"
"W-why? Um no one- forget I said anything I'm being over dramatic-" Eren barely managed to get the sentence out before Levi stood up, softly kissed Eren and started dragging him out of the restaurant.
"O-oh my gosh Levi we forgot to pay!"
"Hm guess I did." Levi replied, no intention to pay from the beginning.

"We need to go back!"
"No no, see that's where you're wrong Eren, if we go back we get caught." Levi chuckled.
"But-but we're breaking the law!"
"Not if they don't find out. Now come on!" Levi dragged Eren streets away, and before the younger boy knew it they were back at the dorm; both laughing at the events that had just occurred.
"Th-thankyou... for this Levi." Eren smiled sincerely.
"It was really my pleasure, Eren."
Eren leaned up to kiss Levi, the older man leaning down to meet him halfway. Placing a hand on his face.
Neither were sure how long that kiss lasted, and neither cared.
It only seemed to matter they were with each other.
"But about earlier." Levi muttered against Eren's lips.
"Hm?" Eren being too lost in the moment to care.
"Who says that... that shitty talking thing you do is annoying?"
"Oh- uhm why?" Eren murmured, much rather kissing than talking right now.
"Because they won't have a head tomorrow." Levi answered.
"I really, really hope you're joking." Eren said, their lips still lightly grazing; as Levi continued the kiss.
When the share of passion came to a close, they bid each other farewell, as Eren had promised to stay the night at Armins. Not wanting to let his friend down, he waved shyly and walked away. Leaving a not so subtle Levi staring at his ass.

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