Chapter Three

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CW: abuse.

L felt the tremor that went through Light's body as he began to kiss back and knew that Light remembered. He slowly drew back, arms still around Light's waist, holding him as best he could.

"Now do you remember?" L asked gently.

"Yeah," Light said, stepping back over to L's side of the bridge. Light laid his head gently on L's shoulder and looked up at him desperately. "Don't let me go; don't let them get me."

"I won't," L promised. "I'm never letting you go and I'll never let anything or anyone hurt you, not even yourself."

"I love you, L." Light was crying now.

"I love you, too, Light," L said. He kissed Light's forehead gently, his only thoughts being of how much he loved Light.

I'll protect him with my life. I'll never let anyone hurt my Light. Never. I'll hold him forever and keep him safe. He means more to me than anything, even this investigation. Maybe I did suspect him of being Kira, but he's said so many times that he's not. I've sat with him on so many nights of soft kisses and almosts and he's always sworn that he's not lying, that he'd never lie to me. I don't trust easily, but I'll trust him. I love him with all I am, every fiber of my being. I just hope he's as worth it as I believe he is. My sweet, sweet Light...


Light walked back to headquarters hand-in-hand with L. He stayed as close to L as possible, loving the way it felt to be close to him. About a block from headquarters, L pulled Light into an alley where they wouldn't be seen.

"What's this for?" Light asked, confused. Why's he pulled me in here? What's going on?

"I'm not going to mug you or anything. If I wanted to, I could have a long time ago. I just wanted to be sure whether or not you wanted everyone else to know about us yet."

So L is my boyfriend? Fantastic! I'm not sure everyone should know just yet... What would they all think? I don't know...

"Let's keep us a secret for now."

"Fine by me," L said, grinning a bit. He kissed Light lovingly, sending a feeling like electricity shooting through Light's body. "We should probably separate now. We can walk in together, just not holding hands. Call me tonight, though."

"Oh, don't worry; I will," Light replied with a smirk.


L had good reason to be so cautious about who he let in to his heart. He remembered it now as he waited for Light to call...


"'Why the hell is That Boy even here?' I heard The Father ask as I sat on the stairs. 'He's just another goddamned mouth to feed and he can't even do anything! He's not athletic, like his brother; not talented, like his sister. He's not worth it!'

"Why does he say that about me? I thought.

"'He's here 'cause we've got nowhere else to put him! If I could get rid of That Boy, I would in a heartbeat!' The Mother exclaimed.

"'Why don't you love me?' I asked softly, brokenly. 'What did I do that was so bad?'

"'Shut the hell up, Boy!' The Father yelled, slapping me hard across my face.

"It hurt, and I began to cry. I knew from two years of experience that I shouldn't; it would only bring more abuse. I cried anyway. It hurt more than usual.

"I've been used to this kind of abuse. It's been going on since I was five. I'm only seven now, and I've learned what's not to be said or done around The Family. I just wish I could make my body obey my brain. I might not get beaten as much.

"'Quit your fucking crying, Boy, and get your arse over here!' The Mother yelled as the Father made another swing.

"I could taste blood now. My face hurt from the abuse, but I knew it would heal in time. I walked over to The Mother, making sure to stand three feet away, as she always requested. I didn't look her in the eye. That would make her mad. I didn't want to make her mad.

"'Yes ma'am?' I asked in a whisper.

"'Get out,' she replied simply.


"'Get out. I don't want you here. None of us do. Go. Leave. Now. And don't come back. Ever.'

"I looked up at her then. Was she really kicking me out? I'm only seven! I could get killed!

"'But-but what it something bad happens to me?'

"'I don't care! You could be killed for all I care! You'd just better get out before I do the job myself!' She picked up a knife.

"I was scared, so I ran. I ran through the house and I ran out the door. I ran as far away as possible. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I ducked into an alley and curled up beneath a Dumpster, hoping I wouldn't get found. I was alone now. A boy, seven years old, with no name and no family. I was nothing.

"I was nothing before now, I thought. The Family made sure of that. I always was nothing; I'll always be nothing. That's how it was meant to be.

"Those were the thoughts that floated me to sleep that night. It was then that I vowed I would never trust anyone again. I would never again let anyone into my heart. That was a promise."


L was torn from his reverie by the sound of his mobile ringing. He picked it up, smiling through his tears when he saw that the caller was Light.

"Light," L said brightly, trying not to seem to excited that he'd called.

"Hey, L."

"Do you want to come over?"


"Yes, now."

"Is something wrong?" Light's voice was gentle, concerned.

"No, no. I'm fine. I'm just... I want you here, with me."

"I'll be there in five."


The rest of the night was spent cuddling and kissing and just being together. Both men loved the feeling of the togetherness, the way it made their Darknesses disappear. And for the first time in a long time, both men thought that maybe everything would be all right.

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