Holding on

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**James' POV**

I decide to take the food but leave okja. I don't want anything happening to her because of my stupidity. I get out on to the raft but there's no stupid wind. I'm going to have to swim for it. I grab one of the ropes and try to pull off as I swim I'm not muscular enough to keep myself up in this current let alone pull something. I fight to get back up on top and I need a better plan. I need to head back to shore. The problem? My arms aren't strong enough to paddle from on top either. Great. I'm going to have to float around until something happens.

Before I realize it I wake up on the beach again. Damn it why do I feel asleep so easily? I honestly don't know if I hope I'm on the island or not. I start walking around and I realize it's not his island. I'm back to where I was just a few hours ago. I need to find a way over there. There's no wind so I should make paddles. I can still use the raft and I don't need wind. How am I going to go about making paddles?

Maybe I can tie some of the big leaves to some sticks and use that. I find 2 good sized sticks and a few vines all that's left is to climb up this tree and get some big leaves to tie together. I make my up to the tree and position myself on a branch. I reach up and pluck off a few. I think I only need a few more and i will have enough to make the oars strong enough. I reach up and pull on one but it won't come loose. I start pulling harder and it finally breaks off. The only problem was it took the whole branch with it. The branch falls on top of me and makes me almost lose my balance. Thank god I hold on. I go to reach again but my left arm hurts to move. It smashed my shoulder blade but hopefully it didn't do anything permanent. I reach up and try to grab another but my arm won't bend with out me wanting to scream. I'll have to give up using my arm to stabilize myself and just use my legs. I wrap my legs around the branch and carefully try to reach more leaves. I can't reach any of them. I guess this will have to do.

How am I going to get down.... it is definitely too tall to jump down from. The tree is too wide to use only one arm. I guess that's my only option. I reach my legs around and my good arm and slide down. The rough bark hurts and I know I will have scratches all up my stomach and thighs. I jump the rest of the way so I don't have as many scratches although I realize it doesn't really matter because my whole stomach is completely cut up. I grab the leaves I have collected and head back to the house.

I go inside and try tying them together. Of course they keep ripping because I have to hold them with my knees thanks to my unusable arm. I only have 10 leaves so I need to make each count. How am I going to do this with only one arm? I'll hold it with my foot. I go to pull the vine through the leaf and it rips. Crap. I'll just go slower I tried to go too fast. That one ripped too. And so do all of the other ones. I'm down to one pair of leaves left. One oar is better then none. I will have to go as slow as possible so this one doesn't rip. It doesn't! Ok I have one oar. Hope is not lost. I can make it back and be with Scott again. Being able to say that feels so good.

I've gone so long with out him with our every really getting over him and now I can have him again. Everyday I've missed him and thought he was dead. I was never able to say it but I always thought something had happened to him. I wish I could have come here with him. My fantasizing is interrupted by a strange noise. I can here some one yelling. They have a voice that sounds broken. I got all excited hoping it was Scott but the voice sounds so empty and lost. It keeps getting closer. I need to get out of sight I carefully climb up a tree and pick one that will be comfortable.

Eventually the voice stops but there is no way I'm getting down. It looks like I'm sleeping up here.

I wake up to the same voice but even more sorrowful and even closer. I prop myself up and start searching for the figure. Who ever it is will not find me first and I will not go with out a fight. The voice gets closer and the figure enters my line of sight. I am prepared to attack. I jump down and run at a full sprint.

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