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"So tell us more about you Jake." My mom says across the dinner table.

"Well I'm just an average joe from California. I am 25. I'm really not too interesting." He chuckles a little bit.

"What do you do for a living?" Crap we hadn't thought of that.

"I used to sell insurance but I quit because I hated it. I'm looking for a something that I enjoy more."

"Oh that's very brave! What are you interested in?"

"I think I want to get into landscaping or gardening. I love the out doors and I think I have a pretty good intuition with vegetation."

"That's really awesome! I hope it works out for you."

I finish putting on my shoes then say, "Alright momma we're heading out."

"Alright see you later." Scott follows me out then follows me into the car.

"Are you okay with living in the basement apartment?"

"Yeah. It has everything we need. Why?"

"I was just curious. We could find another one if you wanted. I can afford it."

"With out me working no way."

"No really. Money isn't a problem."

"With you working at the book store we wouldn't have enough to eat. Let me find a job first."

"Honey I don't get my money from the bookstore. That's a hobby." He paused for a moment then responded with a cheesy smile.

"What ever you want." 

"No you make the decisions."

"I didn't let you decide before now it's your turn." He says softly then looking into my eyes.

"Let's do it. Let's move Scott."

"Well alright then."

"Ooooooo let's go look for places."

"Alright." We hop into my car and start looking around for a cute little place. We go to a couple of locations but don't really find what we're looking for so we decide to take a break and grab something to eat. We pick a cute little food court and sit next to the fountain to eat our sandwiches.

"Do you think we're ever going to find the apartment we want? I mean the perfect one? Is there such thing as a perfect one?" I say all with no response from him.


"Sorry look to your left casually."I look over and try to see what he's seeing.

"Do you see the woman in the orange sundress?"

"Yeah." I say still trying to see his point.

"I think she's been following us."

"Do you think?"

"Yeah. She has those sunglasses on top of her head and they haven't moved." I start thinking about noticing any followers.

"We should go so she can't catch up to us." He says getting ready to stand.

"You're right." I say. I look back at her and she is already closing the distance between us.

"Crap let's go." We start walking quickly away from her but she doesn't lose any ground. In fact she's still gaining.

"Wanna take a jog?" He says to me casually so the people around us don't get suspicious.

"Yeah why not?" I say and we pick up our pace. Before we know it she's out of sight and we stop our jog.

"What do you think that's about?"

"I'm hoping it's just some random person. I really hope it's not what I think it is."

"It's not nice to refer to the person whose trying to save your life as it." A woman's voice says. We turn around and she's right there.

"Hey sorry we weren't calling you it we were talking about something else." I say trying to deflect the situation.

"I'm not dumb. I know more than you guys do so listen." Scott tried to interrupt but she gives him a stern look and he shuts up.

"I know who you are and I know the danger you're in. You're probably not going to believe me but it is imperative to your safety that listen. They don't know you're here yet Scott but they will if you just casually walk around like this."

"Scott isn't his name. His name is Jake." I say trying to go with our lie.

"James you're in trouble too. Both of you are going to be punished and you more severely. At least he's expensive you're not a worth a thing to them alive." She says shrugging.

"How do you know my name is Scott?." He asks trying to make her question his self.

"I know everything physically about you Scott. I was a part of your creation. While I didn't help design you, you helped design me."

"How did you know his name?" Scott says pointing to me.

"You said it as you were walking." She shrugs again.

"Let's go somewhere more private. It's too easy to follow both of you." She starts walking obviously expecting both of us to follow. We shrug then follow. We walk for a little bit then we come up to a family van and pop in.

"A van isn't too conspicuous?" Scott asks.

"Trust me." She says getting a few things in order.

"Now since you know everything would you care to fill us in?" She sighs then nods her head.

"So I know you were created to be used as a weapon but you were lost at age 13. Your father was released for his failure. Your mother lived on but died a few years later. This is your childhood boyfriend and now again I assume. They blew up an island looking for you or no reason as well as destroyed many towns. They really want to find you. I am with an antiFBI organization that cleans up and prevents the FBI from ruining the world. After some convincing I got my team to agree to take on your protection."

"Why did they not want to?"

"You're a big risk. They REALLY didn't want another of."

"Another." Scott asks wearily.

"Yes I'm the first very risky thing. You're the second."

"You already known what im going to ask."

"We were made for the same reason. We were supposed to create more of our kind." She says wincing.

"But you're gay so that's a relief."

"Thanks." He says flatly.

"So What is going to happen from now on?" I ask dreading the answer.

"Well that's where everyone else comes in. Let's go meet them and we'll get something worked out so you two can live."


Alright that's the end of this one. I know it's short and all of that but if you want me to continue and post the second book  just let me know and I will! Thanks for reading :)

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