11.. The Ardour Of Tenderness..

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Shot 11..
The Ardour Of Tenderness..

💜 ❤️ 💜 ❤️ 💜

Pragya spill the water on hearing Tanya's words while Tanya was continuously smiling at her..

What are you blabbering
Tanya​..!?.. Pragya asked closing the water bottle.. Tanya grabbed the water bottle from her saying.. Am I blabbering.. Really.. Okay fine.. If you are not having such feelings from.. I'm so happy..!..

Tanya.. Don't eat my brain at morning itself.. I'm already tensed about the semifinal.. And stop driving me more tensed.. Pragya sounded in a  sour tone..

Ohoo.. My Pragya dear.. Don't think that you can escape from me.. I just know that you love Abhishek.. Isn't it..!?.. Tanya asks again and Pragya stayed quiet..

Okay fine.. If you are not.. I'm so happy about it.. Tanya says and sips water from the bottle..

Happy.. for what.. I can't get you..!?.. Pragya asked shrinking her eyes..

Haan.. I'm happy that there is nothing like love.. crush in you for Abhishek .. Because I Love him and  today I'm going to propose him.. Tanya said which made Pragya to gasp in shock..,

What.. Love..?!.. You love Abhishek..!.. No.. You can't love him.. Because I Love him.. and I can't lose him to anyone.. Pragya said in a single  and Tanya laughed which made Pragya confused..

Tanya leans forward and hugs Pragya, while Pragya bit her tongue realising, what she confessed to her a few seconds ago..

Tanya broke the hug and says.. My dear  Pragya.. That's what I want.. I know that you love him.. And it got confirmed when I read your diary..

You.. you read my diary.. when.. I mean when and how..?!.. Pragya stammered her voice asking so..

Haan.. I read your diary.. A day before yesterday I came to your house to give notes nah.. at that time only.. I read your diary.. You were in Abhi's house for practise.. Aunty asked me to be in your room.. And I saw your diary.. trust me... I never knew it was your personal diary.. When I took it.. I just flipped the pages and I saw the last page with  Abhi's picture..

Then, I started to read the recent days pages and got to know your love for Abhi.. Tanya completes with a smile on her face, and Pragya looks at her in shock..

Now tell me.. When are you going to propose him..!?.. Tanya asks and at once.. Pragya  blushed looking away.. while Tanya shook her..

Propose.. I had not yet thought of proposing him.. And I even don't know whether he loves me back or he is having any feeling for me, like  I have for him.. Then how can I propose him..?.. Pragya sounded in dismay..

Tanya patted her head with the bottle and said.. Come on Pragya.. What if you don't know about him..!?.. Don't hide your feelings nah.. one day you are going to reveal your love nah.. then why can't that day be today..?!..

But.. I'm scared Tanya.. What if he.. .. Pragya stressed her voice while Tanya found her eyes stuck behind her.. She then turned and saw Abhi nearing them and gave a calm look while Pragya held her hand and signed her to keep quiet..

You are the music of my life - Tune of Love.. Abhigya SS(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now