Short Days

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There are only 365 days in the year.
12 months in that year
Around 52 weeks in the whole year
An average of 4 weeks per month
In one of those weeks there are only 7 days
In one of those 7 days is only 24 hours
That's 60 minutes per hour
60 seconds per minute

The average person sleeps 7 hours a day, meaning in one year you sleep around 2,555 hours.

The average work day is 8 hours meaning that you spend 2,080 of your year at work( I didn't include holiday time but on average.)

There are only 9,125 hours in your year out of those hours you are technically busy for 4,635 , so you've only got 4,490 free hours.

I get that might sound like a lot but think about it for a minute, out of a total of 9,125 hours you only have about 4,490 hours to do whatever you want.

Let that sink in for a minute but don't take to long, you only have a little time

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