The Princess and the Dragon

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  • Dedicated to All those who dare to believe that dragons still live.


© Avalon Lee, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

My name is Rowan. I am a princess. A princess who is best friends with a dragon. Yes, dragon. You may be wondering how this came to be, or why you're even reading this in the first place, but I tell you, every person has a story. And stories should be told. This is mine.

And mine.

Rokevir, what are you doing? I thought we agreed that I would do the prologue.

No, we didn't. Besides, I should be the main character!

You arrogant lizard; I'm the one who's writing. Now stop talking! You're ruining the story!

No, I'm not! My side of the story should be told too.

Alright, fine. As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted—I can read, you know!no you can't! You're a dragon!

What does being a dragon have to do with anything?



Anyways, this is my story.

Our story.

Yes, our story.

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