2/27/17 (Trapped Black Bird)

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Dear Avery,

I am not for sure what kind of advice you give, but here goes nothing. Anyways, I recently found some really good music. It's kinda emoish and I feel as I am becoming the music. I crave the sound and I think I am becoming emo. One of my friends, 'Jessica' does not want this for me. I really do not know what to do. 'Jessica' would be mad at me and I really do not want to make her mad. I never see her much now because she is home-schooled.

Trapped Black Bird


I understand what you are going through because this has happened to a freind

Don't let others tell you who you have to be..'Jessica'  might not be a true friend if she can't accept you for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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