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I tried to stay in the corner of the cell as much as I could, keeping my mouth shut, well, as much as I could, especially when Norden came in to taunt Alex and her sister Eli. I couldn't believe that I had accepted such a task without knowing the full story, but I wanted the approval of my Alpha. Each time he came in, I couldn't help but whimper every time he came in, I could feel his painful gaze on me and wondered, if for even the quickest of moments if he knew who I was, if he could feel the bond that I felt, or if his hatred for Alex's family had shrouded that.

I huddled tighter into the corner and tried to drift off to my past, a happier time for me which oddly enough, was only about a year ago.

I was coming out of the house when a scent hit me, paralyzing me, holding me in one spot. The scent surrounded me, it was of jasmine and earth, a smell that I could forever. I slowly stepped off the porch and followed the smell, the scent that pulled me towards the training grounds. And as I reached the border I stopped dead in my tracks, I figured it would be littered with the warriors training hard as they usually did, but, to my shock it was only Alpha Norden. My jaw dropped as I stared at his muscular back and watched his movements as he himself froze, sniffed the air and started to turn. I gasped which made his movements quicker, and before I knew it I ran, I was scared and excited all at once, the fact that I had found my mate caused a happiness to flow through me like no other, but, the fact that it was Norden scared the shit out of me. So, I hid and found a way to mask my scent until I was brave enough to confront him.

It didn't take long for me to find a trick one of the old healers had done for her for she turned out to be an oracle. I tried to keep my distance from him as much as I could, until one day he summoned me to his office and that's when I knew the true test would be. Would he be able to sniff me out and would I be able to keep from jumping his bones. I cringed at the thought of him finding out that I was his mate, a lowly little she-wolf that was not worthy of his love. That was the day he gave me my assignment to hunt down Alex and her family.

The cell door slamming broke me from my flashback to my past, Norden was gone and although his scent still lingered and for a moment I could feel my wolf returning and I could feel myself begin to heal. Although I was deathly afraid of Norden having him nearby healed me and healed my wolf. What am I going to do with all this? I need to help get Alex and Eli out of here, but what good am I to her, if only Sam was here. My breath got caught in my throat, Sam, what made me think of him? He was the enemy, the one that beat me to get information. Ugh! All this was getting so confusing.


I couldn't believe everything that had gone on, and the missing of my mate only made things worse, it was like one moment she was there and the next she had just vanished from the face of the earth. That only made matters worse with the upcoming battle that was sure to come. I had to do away with that bloodline as cruel as that may have sounded it was a necessary evil. I cringed at the thought of going back down into the cellar, and only my Beta, Jonathon Claywater, sometimes I don't know what I would do without him. A banging came across my door, "Come in." I have to remember to oil those squeaky hinges, "Alpha, there's an issue." Jonathon spoke out causing me to sigh. "Da hell man ... what is it now?" I asked obviously irritated. "Hey dude, don't bite off the head off the messenger!" Her grumbled out as he plopped down in the chair across from me, "Okay okay Jonathon, and spill already."

Jonathon leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, "Well, you see ... what happened was... " He began and of course I hated when he started his explanations like that. Jonathon started to laugh at me, " Man, you have gotten to lighten up ... have you been thinking about your mate again?" I groaned, he would bring this up at a time like this. "Yeah yeah, I know what you are going to say but just don't say it. I know she's out there somewhere and I plan on waiting for her to return. Anyway, change up subject. What were you going to tell me?" I asked trying to of course change the way this conversation had started to go. "Oh yeah, It seems that your little jailbird down stairs has been making quite a fuss." I had to admit that I knew it was coming but didn't think she had the energy. "Which one? Alex or that she-wolf?" I had to be certain, although my views on the she-wolf were not all that high, she had done what was required of her to clear her name with me.

"It's the human." He paused and thought for a moment, "Well the supposed human, I mean, and do we even know what she is?" I knew that the question would come around sooner or later, I was just hoping for the latter of choices. "Well, that is hard to explain. She is the offspring of Stella James." Of course, he gave me this odd look, " Formally known as, Stella Franklin." Yep, there it went, his eyes popping wide open, "Dude, put your eyes back in your head! " I bellowed out at him causing him to jump and clear his throat.

Jonathon leaned forward a bit more, his mouth slightly gaping, "Dude, are you sure?" he asked me and all I could do was sigh before I nodded. "Aye that I am sure, but there is a catch. The man that was there wasn't her father, rumor has it, that her father is an ancient one of the vampire clans, which one I don't know but still." My words fell short, I didn't know how to explain this, but I told my beta everything. "If this is true, then the prophecy is beginning, and if she has already come across her vampire mate, then things have already been put into motion and there is nothing that we can do to stop it." I told him with a shudder.

Jonathon rose from his chair and started to pace my office floor, I could smell the tension rolling off of him in waves. "What does this mean, I mean I know a little about the prophecy but not all of it, as a beta you know I wasn't privy to all the information." He told me as he stopped and glared, "You have to tell me everything Norden, especially if it endangers the pack!" I slightly glared at him for raising his voice at me and pointed to the chair, "Sit Jonathon, I had already had ever intention of telling you and making a few new addendum to the bi-laws. It is time that the beta knew every single thing that I know." Jonathon seemed pleased to hear this as he slowly sat down and waited for an explanation, and I was slightly, somewhat worried about how he was going to take it all.

"As I explain this to you Jonathon, I don't want you to say a word until I'm finished, are we clear?" I asked him and he simply nodded, he knew that what he was about to learn was a major game changer.

"When I was a small child, you know that I was permitted into the ancient library. One day my father took me there and sat me down, he read to me from one specific book that had been passed down in my family for centuries. I was expecting more or less a bedtime story of such, but, instead, I got a history lesson." As I spoke, I pulled the old leather bound book from a small hidden drawer of my desk and laid it on top. "This is the book he read from, and I have been scouring it over and over for any answers, an answer on how to avoid this, other options, something." I could see Jonathon's eyes glaze over as he stared down at the book, yet he hadn't said a word, like I had asked.

I opened the book to the part of the prophecy, "Now don't take offense to this, but I'm going to put it in laymen terms, not saying that you are stupid Jonathon, before you break your silence and speak. This book was originally written in a ancient and dead language of werewolves." It was at that moment Jonathon moved and gasped, it was a language we were all taught but rarely used since we mainly communicated through our mind link. "Notemfouel, let me read it."

I opened the book just as Jonathon sat back into the chair and listened, "A day had been told of when one family line will merge with another of a different kind. This child will have a choice in her path, to follow one family or the other. This child will become an amalgam of two worlds." That was all I read to him, I could see from the corner of my eye that his jaw was slightly gaping and peered up with I stopped and closed the book. "Dude! What the hell man, you just going to cut it off like that?" He asked in horror as he rose from his seat. I couldn't help but laugh at him, "Man, I wasn't going to keep reading that crap, I mean do you know how many times I've read this and re-read it?" I asked him tossing him the book, "It's your turn to read it, the prophecy starts on page 104 or something like that." Jonathon caught the book and looked it over, "Man I can't believe that you just tossed an old ass book like this." I shrugged my shoulders and laughed, "It's survived this long. Now man, go read it, do that study and search thing you do and let me know what you find, but be quick about it. If I'm right about this 'human' then it won't be long before the vampires show up. I'll mind link the warriors and let them know to be on alert and train harder."

Jonathon nodded and turned walking out of my office, "Well, that went better then I planned."

"Dallas." I linked one of the warriors. "Yes, Alpha?" I smirked. "Training needs to be doubled, and make sure we have enough running our borders, be on alert, and prepared for attack. Vampires may be on the move." I knew that he wouldn't ask to many questions and the brief silence was evident of his shock. "Gotcha Alpha, will start right away."

"And so it begins...... "

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