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Alex's POV

Oddly enough, I woke up the next morning refreshed, as if I had finally gotten a good nights rest, yet my nightmare, well, it was no longer that now was it, my dream of seeing my dad had calmed me, yet it arose so many questions. Why after all this time had he's memory resurfaced in my dreams, and was it him reaching from the other side to contact me, only to force the nightmares that had caused me so much harm, physically and mentally? I didn't know where to go from here.

I stood in front of the mirror, so many things had happened over this so called holiday and now it was Saturday, my flat mate would return today or tomorrow, and I had to admit to myself that I was rather excited to meet her, would she ended up being my best friend? I had so many thoughts and questions running through my thoughts that I didn't hear someone knocking on the door until it grew angry, " Miss Calloway!" the Head Mistress yelled out causing me to be startled.

"Coming!" I called out and hurried over to the door slowly prying it open. The look on her face was of irritation and aggravation. "I do apologize Head Mistress, I have to admit I was deep in thought." I admitted openly to her knowing she actually preferred honesty over anything else, although, her features didn't soften. She stood at my door with her hands clasped in front of her, her hair was styled into a high and tight bun that rested upon her head, it seemed to me that it was so tight it forced her eyes to slightly slant, her dress was floor length and neck high, it reminded me of those pictures I had seen from the old western days. "Is there something I can be of service for you Head Mistress?" I finally asked trying to break the silent tension between us.

The Head Mistress forced a smile before she sighed. "It has been brought to my attention that your step father has neglected to pay your tuition to this educational establishment. You have until three o'clock to pack your things and leave. If you take longer or refuse, then I will have you forcibly removed." Without another word she turned and walked away leaving me with this look of shock. Slowly I closed the door before I broke down, what was I going to do now, how was I going to get Eli out of that house without an education to get a decent job and support us both. "What the hell is happening to me! " I screamed at the top of my lungs as I fell to the floor and broke down into uncontrollable tears.

I leaned over and pulled out my sketchbook and flipped through all the drawings that I had scribbled of my dear sweet baby sister. "What am I going to do now?" I asked in a tear filled sob. I knew that I didn't have much time and as I was lifting to my feet there was another knock on the door, " What is it now?" I asked talking to myself as I lifted from the floor and tried to clean up my face, although I was pretty sure that my eyes would spill it all. As I wrapped my hand around the doorknob there was a scent that hit me like a swift kick to the ass, it drew me in and suddenly I murmured his name, "Ronan." before opening the door. Sure enough, it was him, a look of utter concern plastered across his face for me, at least I thought, no hoped it was for me.

"Ronan, is everything okay?" I asked as I pulled open the door and invited him in. Of course I knew of the rules about having guys in my room, but technically I had been kicked out so it didn't matter to me anymore. "Alex." He spoke my name and it sent chills to course over my body, it sounded almost heavenly as he walked in. He turned and faced me, his eyes filled with what I assumed was concern. "Are you okay Alex?" He asked, I could only shrug my shoulders as I closed the door behind me.

I walked over towards my bed only to have Ronan grasp me gently by my arm, " Tell me what's going on Alex. Please." He pleaded and I sighed turning to face him, looking up to meet his gaze I blurted it all out. "I've been kicked out of school. Apparently my stepfather has neglected to pay my tuition. What am I going to do Ronan, I had plans you know. I was going to finish school, get my baby sister Eli out of possibly harms way and give her the life I never had." In the middle of spilling my heart out I broke into tears again and Ronan pulled me into his chest cradling me. I had to admit that it felt wonderful to be in his arms, to the point that I didn't want to move.

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