Running from the truth

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Eliza woke up got everything packed and knocked on Jordan's door.  When she didn't respond he went down to have some breakfast. When Eliza made his way down there the clerk said that she had checked out already.  That's strange Eliza thought.  

He pulled out his phone and texted Jordan. 

E: Umm, where are you?   

J: Portland Seatle, why?

E: well I don't know.. oh, cause we have a mission together.

J: I don't think that I'm the best person to do that with.

E: Why would you say that?

J: Cause I have my reasons

E: Very well you can tell me them in an hour when I come and find you.

Jordan didn't respond to Eliza's message. She didn't know how she was going to explain her life story to him. Maybe she would tell him, and he'll think Jordans crazy and leave her alone. 

1.5 hours later:

Eliza showed up in a pick-up truck. Jordan was waiting inside the gas station store. When Eliza showed up, Jordan couldn't help but notice the look on his face, the way his eyes dropped ever so lightly. She put on a small smile to him, that he gladly returned. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I just needed to get out." Jordan said almost in tears.

Eliza placed his hand on her shoulders and brought her into a hug. which made Jordans tears explode into his shoulder. After a while of comforting her, Eliza was back to his solid self. They made their way back to the truck, inside the truck they headed off on the highway. It was very sight car ride. No one saying the first word. After a moment of this tedious silence, Eliza decided to break it. 

"So it's going to be a long ride, Why don't you tell me whats going on with you form the very beginning."

Jordan wasn't sure where to start. Where was the being of her life? But she did start with what she knows. 

Eliza sat there listening to every word that Jordan spoke, he didn't even bother trying to ask detailed questions. By the time they reached their destination Jordan was tired of talk and the tedious silence returned between the two of them. 

As they drove they spoke in silence. It was getting darker and darker. until there wasn't anything else to see.

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