Chapter 12*

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I walked beside Ronald. The cool night air caressed my cheeks. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees around us.

"Are you cold? Can demons get cold?" He asked and I laughed.

"I can." I nodded giggling. He chuckled slipping out of his coat and draped it over my shoulders.

"Better?" He smiled.

I nodded blushing slightly.

"Where are we going?" I asked peeking at him with a grin. He ran his fingers through his hair laughing. His green eyes lit up.

"Actually I'm not sure. I'm surprised you agreed to come with me." He smiled sheepishly.

"I must apologize to you. My presence tonight isn't so innocent." I blushed.

"Is that so?" He tugged at his tie around his neck.

"Yes. You are a shinigami. You understand how it feels to be in heat." I turned away feeling embarrassed.

"H-heat, well yes, but I was sort of under the impression that you and the undertaker were an item." Ronald explained scratching the back of his neck. Probably recalling his first encounter with Undertaker.

"Y-you did? Really?" I said a little too excited.

Ronald's green eyes met mine
We stopped walking to face each other. He cupped my chin with his hand.

"I see I wasn't mistaken." He smirked releasing my face.

"I don't know what you mean." I shook my head.

"The excitement in your voice. The eagerness in your eyes. The rosy blush in your cheeks. They say it all. It's clear where you should be, and who you should be with." He smiled sweetly.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek. He walked me back to the parlor and kissed my cheek. I handed him back his coat with a small thankful smile.

"Goodnight Libby." He winked and walked back into the darkness.

Taking a deep breath I turned and headed back inside. I half expected Undertaker to be gone probably with another woman, and half expexted him to be waiting to ambush me about my walk with Ronald.

Instead I found the lights were dimmed only the flicker of candlelight illuminated the room. I followed the candles along the dark wall toward the door that led to the backroom. I poked my head into the room and spotted Undertaker lying in his ridiculously large coffin sleeping soundly.

His hat was hanging from a rack beside it along with his long dark robes and cloak.

I blinked as I approached the coffin. I knew from seeing him in his casual clothes that he was fit and had a hard body, but never had I expected this.

He wore a form fitting black mostly leather suit that clung to him almost like a second skin. There were straps of leather with buckles across the forearms and pointed boots he wore and several across his chest.

I swallowed hard as I peered into the coffin. His arm was draped across his forehead brushing his silver bangs back from his face.

Seeing his complete face for the first time I had to catch my breath.

He's beautiful. He's so handsome and debonair; I feel like a silly schoolgirl with a crush far out of my league.

I stared longingly at his lips remembering how soft and supple they really were. I could still taste the sweetness of his mouth on my tongue.

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