Chapter 13~ Lilli

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*6 months later* I open my eyes and squint. "She's awake!" I heard a doctor yell.

"Get Luke on the phone!" I sit up but get hit with a wave a nausea.

"Slow down Lil." I look up to see Troy and I freeze.

"Doctor." My voice is barely audible.

"Oh Lilli, you've been out six months, of course you can't talk." He walks over to me and takes out a needle.

"Troy.." My voice comes out in a whisper.

"Sorry Lil." He takes out my I.V and sticks the needle in me. My eyes start to droop and my world goes black. I wake up a few hours. ""

"Huh? Where am I?" I look around and noticed that it's the old gang house basement. "No, no, no.." I pull on the ropes that are keeping me tied up, feeling one snap. I smile and untie the other one, heading upstairs. I realized that it's very quite.

"No we can't let her escape." I silently laugh and I heard a door open.

"Lilli, where do you think you're going?" I look at Hunter and sprint down the hall. "Guys grab her." Hunter says and I heard footsteps behind me. I turn right and slip into my old room.

"Shit where'd she go?"

"I don't fucking know she knows this place better than I do." I heard the footsteps fade and I looked out my window. I open it and crawl out, I take off running towards town and I hide in the cafe.

"Lilli?!" Luke says running over to me and hugging me.

"Luke!" I say pulling away from him and hiding behind the counter as Troy and Hunter walk through the door.

"Get the hell out!" My mom yells and they pull on a gun on her.

"Put the gun down Hunter." Luke says as the rest of the gang comes out.
Updated 💗💗💗

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