The Battle for Mars

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"The outer colonies have been taken." reported a communications officer solemnly. The entirety of the crew had taken to a hopeless daze as of late, numbly following orders as if mindless slaves. News of the loss of the burgeoning rimworld colonies washed over them like waves upon well-worn rocks.

Aboard the Hurricane, The flagship of the Huroko fleet, Commander Malden assessed the situation from the ship's large and resplendent bridge. His family had long-since been evacuated to the last haven of humanity – the Andromeda galaxy. His last regret will always be missing the birth of his daughter and heir to their clan.

This was the last bastion of Old Earth. The bulk of the Knifer fleets were concentrated in the Sol system, while smaller squadrons splintered off to raid the newer, offshoot worlds of mankind.

He made his wife, Nera, promise him that their legacy will bring Veas to justice, no matter the cost. The Huroko clan will not forget, even when others are quick to move on.

The men and women of the Earth Empire's impressive armada stayed to save their legacy, they would stay and die, if commanded to. They shared a ferocity among themselves, an unspoken vow of vengeance. If they lived through this, if Earth lived through this, never again would they be caught unprepared.

"What word do we have from Imperator Veas?" asked Malden. His eyes unmoving from the tactical screen.

"None yet, Commander. Imperator Hollard fears that Imperator Veas won't respond at all." Reported a second communications officer.

Malden cursed at himself and Veas. It was his pride that got that worm in such a position. Earth will fall, that much was certain.

He closed his eyes and recalled that crucial conversation he had with the former president of Earth.

Malden, it should be you. I trust you.

I can't abandon the Council, they need me here. Here, old friend, not in some distant galaxy ruling over squabbling colonies.

You forfeit your position?

I understand the consequences.

Very well then. Malden Huroko, I sentence you to commit yourself to the defense of the Old Earth Empire, as adequate price to pay for Veas Ximmar's ascension to the rank of Imperator.

Being sentenced by the Imperator of the Milky Way, he was charged with leading the Huroko family's host of starships to the Mars Colony's defense, his original plan. Through his pride and hubris he was unable to see the bigger picture. They blinded him like a heavy fog, limiting his vision to the shorter term.

"This is foolish." mumbled Malden. He knew from the beginning what Veas's intentions were. His hidden political agenda was clear to him.

Snake, he thought.

Half of the Council was in his pocket, he bought, bribed and blackmailed his way to the top of the ladder, the only thing standing between him and true power was Malden Huroko, and he rolled over like a trained lapdog. Now, Veas had everything he wanted.

An empire at his feet and an army at his back.

His lieutenant, Eric Corwen, approached from behind him. He saluted by briskly and spoke. Unlike the rest of the crew, he had a tenacity about him. It was a common trait shared among the members of the clan Corwen.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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