The Pluto Inquision

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The fist documented encounter humans had with the Lopans — Knifers — as they would be known, was when an armada of odd-looking, gleaming ships had entered the outer rim of the Sol system, the birthplace of mankind. So suddenly they had appeared at the edge of our solar system. The Lopans, in rough Morse code had communicated with the nearest human colony which was the Pluto settlement. They claimed that they were fleeing the destruction of their homeworld. Soon after the Pluto settlement had reported first contact to Earth, they went dead silent. It was assumed of course that the Pluto settlement were the first human casualties of the Lopans' conquest, and then some months later, the Pluto Inquisitionary Fleet.

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Senator Veas Ximmar sat on the raised circular dais that surrounded the council room. A raised stone floor medallion dominated the center of the room. It was carved with intricate artwork that depicted the founding of the four pillars; the four worlds that held aloft the rest of the empire. These pillars, namely, were Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury. Without one, the empire would fall.

Senator Cale Jonston of the Mars Assembly had the floor; the senate will hear what he has to offer, but Veas knew this was another warning of these so-called 'Knifer' threats.

"Our colony is at risk!" Spoke the beleaguered senator, "These Lopans—these Knifers are encroaching closer and closer to our home!"

Another senator of the Mars Assembly stood up, his right arm raised as if to swear an oath.

"My fellow senate members," he began, "Senator Cale's words ring true. Prospectors of the Pluto settlement haven't hailed back in months. We have reason to believe that perhaps these Knifers have something to do with the complete removal of a whole mining settlement."

The whole senate erupted in furious debate.

One side of the room had sided with the Mars Assembly, voting for an inquisition order, while the other, more skeptical politicians demanded proof before sending a fleet of capable ships.

It was at this point that the lowly representative from the Andromeda arm stood up.

"My friends! My friends! Is this senate not meant for civilized discourse?" Asked Veas. The senate had calmed at the experienced politician's words.

"We have no time to waste on maybe's and perhaps's. But keep in mind, brethren that if an outpost from the Andromeda Galaxy sends a weekly hail back to Earth, then how come a small settlement in the same solar system remains silent after eight months?"

Senator Malden Huroko of the Earth Council had stood up. "If an inquisition order will be the difference between a colony's survival; then I move that we send a fleet of scouting vessels, armed with our fastest engines, to investigate the Pluto settlement."

The prevailing host of the senate; President Aster Hollard of Earth had stood to meet the senator of his Council.

"I veto that proposal!" He exclaimed vehemently, "Our ships are much more needed for the colonization of the Andromeda Galaxy!"

"We've got shipyards under construction, President Hollard. The Sol system can focus more on this Pluto inquisition than the expansion of the First Rule." Spoke Veas.

"Enough of this, Hollard!" Exclaimed Senator Cale, "We've seen Earth-marked warships traversing into the Andromeda. What are you sending them there for?"

At this point the senate had descended into a chorus of slander and accusation. Pandemonium had erupted.

The President of Earth had his arms raised, veins threatening to rupture.

"Enough!" He commanded with such effortless authority, the room quieted at his whim. "We must return to the matter proposed by Senator Jonston of the Mars Assembly. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Echoed the senate.

Everybody sat down, cooling off from the heated atmosphere that had prevailed over the leaders of the united human empire.

"I propose that we not engage these Lopans unless provoked ourselves." Suggested a councilman of Earth.

"Aye," agreed a senator of the Mercury colony, "Let's not make enemies with the first alien race we encounter."

"I say we gun em' before they can gun us!" Protested a representative of the Venus Circle.

"If there's more where they came from them who's to stop them from finishing us off?" Countered another representative.

"There's still the Pluto inquisition." Reminded Veas.

"Very well," spoke Hollard, "I propose that we send an inquisitionary fleet to Pluto."

Senator Malden had a smug look on his face as he moved to call a vote.

"...with the exception that this fleet will be armed with standard pulsar engines. Nothing more." Hollard interrupted.

Senator Malden gaped at Hollard. The intricacies of the senate's political games encompassed power-plays and rivalries, these differences and dreams of ambition will surely spell the downfall for the First Rule.

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According to the history logs, the Pluto Inquisition was considered the true beginning of the War of Blades. The scout ships were soundly destroyed and the Knifers began their invasion of the remainder of the Sol system. The Mars colony was the first to fall; nearly a quarter of the Earth Empire's military force had been lost in the Battle for Mars. The old empire had been slashed at her knees and had fallen without further incident... until the War of Vengeance.

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