Chapter 6

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Random 6Moons Fact: Godt is the bassist in the group. It is rumored in the fandom that Kimmon successfully persuaded Godt to join the team, on the one condition that Godt would not be asked to do any singing or dancing (or to do as little as possible).


Sighing heavily, Copter mindlessly rolled around on his bed. He was very frustrated with himself. Because he should be feeling very happy and content, as he was currently supposed to be enjoying his long-deserved break after a month of nonstop busyness. Copter was also in the most relaxing position ever, one where he was lazing in bed with his phone in hand. But despite all that, Copter was feeling quite miserable. He tried to deny it and tried to occupy himself. By listening to loud-beat club music, turning on movies and TV shows that he didn't have the time to watch, munching on his favorite snacks and sweets. Nothing worked.

He knew why he was feeling so gloomy. Although he hated to admit it, Copter's misery came from the fact that he was missing the presence of a certain someone. Someone who had gone to Guam last night in order to take part in a popular variety show. Damn it! Copter banged his head several times on his pillow, hoping that it'd help him come back to his senses. Seriously, that someone was only going to be gone for a couple days, but he just had to mope around like a pathetic lovesick puppy!!!

It didn't help that Kimmon was going to come out in a couple-matching program. One of those stupid ones where young male and female entertainers went on a romantic trip together, with the ultimate goal of getting matched up in pairs. Copter grumpily thought that all such programs should just disappear from the world. Their fans certainly hated it when they came out on shows and fake-wooed female celebrities.

Copter's face scrunched up in displeasure as he scrolled through the posts on his phone. Fans had already started posting photos and videos that revealed glimpses of what was going on in Guam. Of course, Kimmon had to look so amazing in his floral shirt and beige shorts, his handsome face clearly outshining all the others. And he kept smiling brightly at the female celebrities, who looked so awed by his presence. Copter stared at one particular photo of Kimmon and Amy, a rising Thai actress who had recently got cast as one of the female leads in a highly anticipated TV series. They looked so great together, their gorgeous features matching each other so beautifully. The longer he looked at the perfect couple on his screen, the dizzier he felt from the abrupt rush of all the bitterness and wretchedness swirling around in his heart.

Breaking Copter away from his depressing thoughts was an alert from Instagram. Which notified him that Kimmon had just posted something. Copter eagerly went into the app and was greeted by a cute selfie of a smiling Kimmon. Damn it, why did he have to look even more handsome than usual? Slightly frowning, Copter zoomed in on the picture to get a better look. But due to his clumsiness, he accidentally pressed the picture twice and ended up liking it. Within mere seconds of Kimmon posting it. Sh*t!!!

- KIM: Someone misses me waaaay too much :D

And of course, given his bad luck, Kimmon immediately noticed what Copter had done and sent him a LINE message in an instant. Copter groaned. Why did he always have to make a fool of himself?! He quickly texted a message back.

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