Chapter 1

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"I can't believe I got dragged into this," Maggie said as she absently twisted a lock of her long brown hair around her finger and looked out the window of the truck at the seemingly endless fields of corn.

"I thought you were specializing in legendary and mythical creatures because you liked looking for monsters," Rob said glancing at her for a moment before looking back at the road.

"I do, Bigfoot, lake monsters, something like that, not some monster story that has little or no recorded history until twenty three years ago. I mean they've done DNA tests on the thing and each one came back different, like it was from completely different sources. Plus if this thing was a real creature there should have been old Native American legends about it, even if it did only come out every twenty three years there would still be Native legends about it, if it were real," Maggie told him.

"Maybe it migrated here around the time the area was settled by white people and the variations in DNA could be because it was constantly replacing parts of its body with human parts," Rob suggested.

"And maybe it's just a story someone made up to explain a serial killer who was never caught and then some farmer thought he would make some money off of gullible people with a fake monster in his barn."

"I guess we'll just have to see for ourselves," Rob said as they pulled up a driveway to the barn the monster was supposed to be kept in.

"Sure, whatever, let's just get this over with," Maggie said as she got out of the truck.

"You here to see the monster?" a man asked as he walked out to meet them.

"Yes, I'm Maggie Zimmerman and this is Rob Kevinson. We're from the local collage and were assigned to do a report on the monster you have in your barn," Maggie explained.

"If you want to take a picture it'll be an extra ten dollars," the man said, eyeing her camera bag.

"That's crazy," Maggie said.

"That's the way it is, if you don't like it you can leave now," the man told her.

"We have to have a picture to go with our report Maggie, we can split the cost and it'll only be five each," Rob said.

"We're still paying twenty bucks to see something that's probably a fake," Maggie replied under her breath so the man wouldn't hear her, as she pulled a ten out of her camera bag and handed it to the man.

The man showed them to the barn door and let them inside.

When Maggie realized the man hadn't followed them into the barn she asked, "What exactly is this supposed to be? That mummified mermaid that was made from a fish and monkey skeleton was put together better than this thing is."

"That's because this thing is real and doesn't need to be put together so you can't tell how it ended up here."

Maggie and Rob jumped and turned around to see an old man sitting behind them.

"Are you the one who caught this thing?" Rob asked.

"Yeah, after it carried off my son I hunted it down and made it pay," the old man told them.

"What exactly is it? Other than ugly," Maggie asked.

"Evil, that's all I'm sure of, might be some type of demon, that's what most people think," the man said.

"Could you tell us how you caught it?" Rob asked.

"I had some help, I shot it a couple times with this," the man said patting a large device that looked like it would shoot a large harpoon, "After that it was chasing a couple of kids, they were in a truck and the kid driving it waited for the thing to get up real close, then he hit the brakes, the monster went through the cab of the truck, that's how he ended up in pieces. When I got to him I stabbed the thing until it stopped moving," he told them.

"I thought I read somewhere that it couldn't be killed," Maggie said.

"That's why I'm here, if it is still alive it'll be waking up any day now and I'll be ready for it," he told them.

"Well we'll check back in a couple of days to see what happens, it might actually make this report interesting if it did come back to life," Maggie said as she took a picture then headed out of the barn.

"Couldn't you at least act like you believed the thing was real?" Rob asked as they got back into the truck.

"Look, I'm the cryptozoologist here, I'm the one who's supposed to be telling people to believe in crazy things, but that thing looks fake and just doesn't make sense to me. Can we just get to that old church, get a few pictures and get home?" Maggie asked.

"Alright," Rob agreed as he pulled out.

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