Chapter 9

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That night Maggie fell asleep praying that she wouldn't wake up to the sound of people screaming when William returned from hunting and that she had made the right decision agreeing to stay with him. As she fell asleep she was still trying to figure out if she really was safe with him or if she should runaway as soon as she got to school the next morning.

Maggie woke up in a large field, she looked around wondering how she had gotten there then noticed a young man in a yellow shirt standing several feet away from her, "Where am I and who are you?" she asked as she jumped to her feet.

"My name is Darry and I'm here to help you," he said.

"Help me with what?" Maggie asked warily.

"Making up your mind about what to do. You need to stay with him," Darry told her.

"With William?" Maggie asked wondering how the man could know about him.


"Why? How do I know he's telling me the truth? What if it's all a lie" What if he's just keeping me so he already has his last meal caught so he won't have to go out hunting and take a chance of being caught on the last day like he was last time?" Maggie asked.

"He won't do that, I think he needs you," Darry told her.

"Why, what does he need me for?" Maggie asked.

"No one is sure, we think it may have something to do with breaking the curse. All we know for sure is that every time he's woken up since the third twenty three days, he chooses a woman to stay with him for the twenty three days then he usually lets her go," Darry told her.

"What do you mean he 'usually' lets them go?" Maggie asked.

"The last one died because he never came back to let her go. I think that's why he told you how to get out and made sure you would have food and water as soon as you got back. He found her body while you were gone during the day," Darry told her.

"How do you know all of this?" Maggie asked.

"Everyone he's killed and eaten part of has become part of the curse, trapped and unable to move on and we are sometimes able to see what he's doing. When he tries not to eat he can hear the voices and screams of his victims. Or at least that's what I've been told; he hasn't tried not eating since I've been here, but I have heard the beginning of it. It starts out with a single high pitched scream, that's why he sometimes flinches. I was told that if he doesn't hunt right away he can hear more and more screams and they get louder and louder until he can't stand it anymore. From what I've been told he only lasted longer than that a couple of times, it takes about three hours for the screaming to get to the point that it can't get any louder. Then the screaming stops and he can hear all the children and babies that he killed, before the curse was altered, screaming and crying, at that point he finally gives in to the curse," Darry told her.

"Do you really think I could find a way to break the curse?" Maggie asked feeling more and more sorry for William as she learned more about the curse.

"From what I've heard of the other women he's taken you're stronger and a lot more accepting of him. You're also one of very few who seem to actually feel sorry for him and he seems to trust you for some reason. I'd say you at least have a better chance of figuring it out than the others did," Darry told her, "Oh, and one more thing, don't be angry at him, he did it in his sleep, it wasn't on purpose," he said then everything disappeared before Maggie could ask him what he was talking about.

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