Chapter 8

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Merry Christmas!

After her last class ended Maggie went up to the roof to wait for William to get her, "I can't believe I'm doing this, what type of lunatic lets them self be kidnapped by the Creeper and doesn't try to escape when they have the chance?" Maggie asked herself as she paced around the roof.

"Do you always talk to yourself when you think you're alone?"

Maggie jumped and spun around as William stepped out from behind one of the large air vents that stuck up from the roof.

"Don't sneak up on me like that," Maggie said before turning to grab her backpack and froze when she heard William start sniffing her, "Do you have any idea how freaky that is? Why are you doing that? I thought you only sniffed people like that when you were trying to decide if you wanted to eat them," Maggie said as she turned back around.

"There was a man close enough to you to leave his sent on you, who was he and why was he so close to you?" William demanded.

"What?" Maggie asked then remembered, "Oh, Brad, he's just this jerk who has been trying to get me to go out with him since I started collage. The police found my car at the church and everyone thought I was dead, so he thought the fact that I was still alive was a good excuse to hug me," she explained.

"Try to stay away from him and don't ever let him get you alone with him," William told her.

"That won't be a problem, he's always made me uncomfortable, I avoid him whenever possible, but why don't you want me around him?" Maggie asked.

"He's a rapist and the fact that he's interested in you could mean you're in danger," William told her.

"Are you sure, I mean I know he's slept around with a lot of-"

"Yes I'm sure. The scent of a man who has slept with multiple women and one who has raped women is completely different," William told her.

"Alright, I'll do everything possible to avoid him," Maggie said then asked, "If something like that did happen, not that it would, he'd have to kill me first, but if it did, would that mean you could eat me then, since I wouldn't be a virgin anymore?"

"No, a woman who has been raped but has never willingly had sex would still be safe from the curse since it wouldn't be her fault," William told her as he picked her up and flew off.


When they got back to his cave William showed Maggie a hidden door in the library that led outside.

"If anything were to happen to me, that I ever don't come back, there's a key to this door on this set of keys," he said pulling some keys out of his pocket, " and a second one hidden in this room."

"Hidden in this room? So basically you're keeping me here like a prisoner, I won't have time to find the key while you're out hunting, but if you don't come back I'll eventually be able to get out if I don't starve to death first," Maggie said beginning to wish she had just run away as soon as he had left her at school that morning instead of arguing about it with herself all day.

"You wouldn't starve to death, that cupboard over there is fully stocked with canned food and there's a full bathroom through the door in the bedroom that has running water that comes up from a spring, you would be fine until you found the key," William told her.

"But I'm still basically your prisoner, aren't I?" Maggie asked.

Letting out a frustrated sigh he replied, "Yes, in a way you are, but you should be grateful, you're the only woman I've ever let out during the day."

"So I'm not the only woman you've kidnapped?" Maggie asked.

"No, now let's go before I need to eat again," William said leading her out the door and to a large old truck that was parked under some large trees.

When they got to Maggie's apartment, she packed a couple of suit cases of stuff and called her mother to let her know she wouldn't be home for a few weeks. For a while she considered calling the police and trying to sneak out of the apartment and get away from the Creeper, but in the end she decided that would just put more people in danger. Anyways even if he did make her uncomfortable when he got too close to her and she couldn't stand having to listen to him kill people, he had been nice to her so far and she did feel sorry for him. Still feeling completely confused about what to do Maggie let out a frustrated sigh, grabbed her bags and headed back out to the truck where William was waiting for her.

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