Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Williows  POV.

I woke to the sound of and beeping cars outside my window. Birds chirped now and then, their beautiful song filling my ears. With my window cracked, an orange sunrise spread through my room, making the air mixed with car exhaust and chilly Autumn atmosphere. The busy city below me, wide awake at 6:00Am.

I lazily crawled out of my blankets that where half on me, half on the floor. Not wanting to wake at such an early hour on a Saturday, but i have work. weekends are busy for the little café.


The sound of my shoes bounced of the concrete. My breath fast as I jog down the busy city. Bumping shoulders with strangers, over hearing conversations about anything. Everyone morning was hectic. People had places to be. Having it be work, or shopping. Friends or family.

But I love this busy city. its truly beautiful.

The small brown door of the little cafe opened with ease as i pushed it. The smell of fresh brood coffee filled my nostrils as i walked more and more into the cafe. 

I walked behind the counter, grabbing my apron, and throwing my hair into a messy bun.

"Eric!!'' I yelled, opening the door to the back of the café.

Eric was one of my good friends. and who also works here with me. He's supposed to be working with Addie in front.

Addie was a bubbly girl with a hell of a personality. She could make the whole room laugh with a sentence. With long blonde hair, and big brown eyes, she was also a pretty one.

"Heyy Willow! Thought u wouldn't show, kinda late." He winked and smiled, showing his teeth.

I'm not going to lie. he is attractive. And dont forget hilarious. But, I wouldn't date him. He's too good of a friend for me to like him that way.

"Yea thanks for reminding me." I laughed a bit, and smiled back.

"So how was yesterday? Have fun on your date with the new guy 'friend', hmmm?" Eric asked.

" It wasn't a date! I just met him. It was only coffee." I said.

I met this really nice guy who works at 'Barnes and Nobles.'  His name is Luca. We started talking about books and how much we both enjoy them. Talked about how many we both have read. Then he got on his break so we decided to sit down and have coffee together. He asked for my number so we could meet up again, and I gave it to him.

Eric put his hands in front of him.

"Ok okkk, it wasn't a date. Whats up with you miss sassy pants?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Nothing, it just wasn't a date. I already had you teasing me on the phone last night. Not againnnn." I whined.

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

I started to walk back to front, until I turned around to see Eric just sitting against the wall.

" Well come on slow poke! We left Addie all by herself!" I laughed. He sighed and half smiled, sluggishly walking tourds me. His feet scuffed the ground.

I turned the corner to walk to the counter. And there was Addie, arms crossed, with a smug look on her face.

" look who decided to show up. Can I finally get some help? Some lady was taking forever to decide if she wanted a jelly donut or a honey donut. Like seriously, I could feel my wrinkles growing on my face. What year is it?"  I burst out laughing.

"What did she pick?"

"Nothing! she decided she didn't want one. Honestly she did herself a favor." She tied her hair up into a messy bun.

" Addie! That's not very nice"  I pointed my finger at her.

"Well sorry. Donut lady annoyed me. Anyways! come on guys! Help meee!" Addie tugged at my shirt, whining like a little kid asking their mom for ice cream truck.

" Ok, ok, calm down A'' I laughed.

I walked over to the cups, and grabbed a stack. I handed them to Eric and he went off to go put them away. Addie was working on an order, so I decided to go grab some coffee beans from the back.

I reached up a grabbed a fresh bag from the shelf. I walked back to the front, and started to put them away in jars.

The amazing smell of fresh coffee lingered through out the café. Customer after customer walked in and out of the doors all day. the same sound of the bell rang several times. The rustic wood floors scuffed with foot steps.

My trance was interrupted by someone walking up to the counter.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

Hope u liked it! Feedback please? Love u guys!! <333 ~Lizzie xx

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