Chapter 6

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Hey guys!! OMG im SOOO sorry i havent updated in so long! But i finally got my computer fixed! So now the chapters shall begin again! YAY! I miss writing for u guys! Enjoy! :) x

Chapter 6

Willows POV.

"Oh my god, Bella!" I laughed. Luca, Bella, and me are making cookies at my apartment. And apparently Bella doesn't get that all the ingredients should actually go into the bowl.

" The ingredients are actually supposed to go into the bowl you know." I said. She rolled her eyes and laughed. Luca joined in and helped clean the mess on the floor.

"Well I'm sorry, but I'm not a great cook you know!" 

"Hmm. Maybe you should take a cooking class?" Luca said.

"Ha, yea. I'm gonna need good insurance. I might burn the place down." She put the eggs in front of me.

"You guys take over, I'll watch." Bella sits on one of the stools at the counter.

I set the oven to 350' and start putting cookie dough on the tray. Luca grabs a hand full on flour and drops it on my head.

"Luca!!" I laugh. Bella stands up and starts to laugh really hard. I next grab some and throw it at him. His hair all white with flour. "Willow!!" He mocks my voice, or try's to anyways. 

"Oh be quiet bells, It will be you next" I smirk. She shuts up immediately, and covers her mouth to keep the laughing quiet. 

I got back to putting cookie dough on the tray, with Luca helping me. "Hey! Don't eat it!" He scolds me. I start to giggle and cant stop. 

~Knock Knock~

"I'll get it!!" Bella yells as she runs into the living room. I'm still laughing with Luca as Bella opens the door. A tall figure stands in my door way. But i don't notice until Bella calls me over.

"Willow, its for you!" Bella yells from the living room. The shag carpet rubs against my feet as i jog into the room.

There stands, him

His face expression cold. His jaw line perfectly define. In his hand holds a medium package. The other tucked away in his pocket. A white T shirt clings to his upper body. His lip between his teeth. A musky smell of after shave lingers through the air, and a buzz is heard coming from his phone which is put away in his pocket. I walk closer in the door way, and rest my hand on my hip.

"Yes?" I ask. In a; not so polite tone. I'm not in the mood for rude people showing up at my door while im trying to enjoy my time with my friends.

He shifts in his spot and pushes the package at me, Having it thump against my chest. I quickly put in next to my on the ground and ask Bella to put it in my room. She walks off with Luca, and im left alone with this Ass of a man.

"It was left outside my door." He sounded annoyed. "Oh, well thanks.."I mumbled. I looked at him, and started to walk away. I was going to ask what his name was. But he seemed annoyed enough so i didn't bother. He walked back to his door, but before closing it, looked up at me. His face fell to his phone that rung in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and huffed. The door shut with a loud 'Bang!', making me jump.

I finally moved back to the kitchen where Bella and Luca sat waiting for me. I knew the second i would come back i would be bombarded with questions.

"Who is that? Is he new?" Bella asked loudly. I was finishing what i started putting the cookies on the tray.

"Yea. He moved in like, a few weeks ago." I said

"oh my god hes hot! How old is he?!" 

"Bella. I don't know, we haven't said more then two words to each other. I dont even know his name.  Hes an Ass." I said smirking at my words. 

She laughs and stands up from her chair.

"Does he bother you?" Asked luca. "No he doesnt bother me, hes just as Ass" 

They both laugh and help me put the cookies in the oven.

An hour into a movie we watching, Luca had to leave, so it was just me and Bella. But we werent playing much attention to the movie anyways.

"So. Whats going on with you and Luca!?"

Hey hope u enjoyed! Next update should be soon! LOVE U! :* xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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