Backstory and The Date

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A couple hours after the big game after Ben sang to me. Ugh.. He asked me on a DATE! I had been on a couple but the last one is when I was abandoned.. I was dating a prince of the ocean.. His father is the king of the sea. Poseidon.. We dated awhile but during a date.. He found a new girl who was a pure princess.. Unlike me I'm just an adopted princess of the sea.. My parents were.. Human. Pure, normal humans.. From the same place as Harry's father.. After he dumped me by cheating a couple times and then marrying the new girl in front of me after I was told I'd be the bride.. I walked down the isle to see him kissing after placing a ring on the pure princess.. I freaked out so I was given away and after being thrown to the sea I was cursed to be Evil.. Dark.. Alone.. So I'm hated. Feared. What breaks the curse? Finding my true love as they say, basically, ignore the little 'true love' bit. Easier way to understand.. Only one person can fix my damaged heart.. I guess it is unfair to be using Ben this way considering my story but.. It's the only way to get the wand.

I went to my room pacing. "Hey, what's up?" Melody asked. "Ben asked me.. On. A Date!" I almost scream. "Awe! That's cute!" She happily says. "Um. No it's not my ex boy-I mean.. I've.. Never been on one!" I quickly change subject. "Awe. I'll help you!" Melody gets up and designs me a dress, does my hair.. Everything but the makeup. I refuse to wear that junk. Soon Ben knocks the door "Now I know the difference between pretty and beautiful.." He looks at me. I roll my eyes. "Thanks.." We then leave and on our walk out the school Harry stops us. "Oh Harry. Ben, I'll see you outside.." He nods and exits. "Look.. He's.. Invited me on a date.. I have to go to get closer to him.. I promise this is for the wand only." I give him a quick hug and he kisses my head, understanding. I then catch up to Ben.

We drive on his bike to a.. Pretty area.. Getting off and walking to a location. He covers my eyes as we arrive at a lake. We sit down and talk "So. I've spoken enough.. I don't know anything about you. So. Why don't you start talking?" Ben looks at me, I knew I needed to have a believable story here so whats more believable than the truth? "Well.. My names Mira.. My parents are.. Peter Pan and Wendy.-" Ben cuts me off "Wait? Your their long lost child?" He asks. It's true.. My actual mother is not dead.. I lied.. My adoptive mother.. Is dead.. So how did I end up a mermaid? Long story. But my human form look maybe explained now. "Yes.. Please don't say anything.. I'm nothing like them and I don't want anyone knowing I'm their kid.." I plead. 'Specifically Harry..' I mutter in my head. "I won't. Promise." He smiles. He begins undressing after we had a little picnic. "Wanna go for a swim?" He asks. "Oh no. I'm good.." I crossed my arms. "Suite yourself.." He shrugs. "Wait. Are those little crowns on your shorts?!" I ask. "Maybe." He gives a smile embarrassed. He then went over to a rock, yelled and jumped in like an animal, like father, like son. I let out a laugh uncontrollably.

I sat down.. Thinking about all this.. I started hearing a song in my head.. A song my mother always sung when I'm feeling down..

I smiled. Soon realizing Ben was missing. I went to go in but realized I'd transform.. "BEN?!" I yelled. "Calm down! I'm fine!" He yells back. Thank god. If he was gone I wouldn't have the wand. "I thought you vanished.." I walked back to the picnic sitting down. He climbed out and sat with me. We talked for awhile before going back.

"Tomorrow is Family Day here at Auradon.. Due to your parents being.. Away. They can't be here but I have a surprise.. Come on." She turned on a computer screen. We saw Gaston and Captain Hook.. Gaston was looking in a so called mirror at himself.

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