[one] - Surprising

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Chapter 1

The last bell rang and Louis and a group of famous boys walked out of class after most of the students have. "I'll meet you guys. I need to meet with Janet" Austin said. The others nodded and made their way to the soccer field.

Louis, the school's soccer captain, walked into the field once he changed his attire. "OK team!" Shouted the coach as he clapped his hand, calling the soccer players to make a line in front of him. "We are going to start training your persistence. We work hard, go far and we are unstoppable. The NYC kids are unstoppable. You should see them play. Amazing skills, persistence. I believe in you guys that you can do way better"

"Yes coach!" They all replied in sync. "Now!" Coach Lewis said again, in a loud firm tone. "Get in your places!" He ordered. Without a second hesitation, they replied and ran to their respective places.

Louis jogged to his place as the captain, he was about to get his water bottle before the practice starts and a ball came rolling towards him. He searched for the one who lost the ball and looked up to see a green eyed boy with his hair in a man bun. "Yours?" Louis asked the boy.

He nodded and brought his hand out to catch the ball. Louis threw it towards him and he got a smile from the boy. "Thanks" The boy said and jogged back to the basketball field.

"Tomlinson!" A voice broke Louis' stare (admiring) and walked back to his position.

The practice ended and Louis walked back to the changing room to change. "Nice game bro" Justin said. Louis shrugged. "Wasn't my best but, yeah, I always have the other day to practice more." He said.

"I see you were talking to Harry just now. What about?" Justin asked as he closed his locker. Louis furrowed, "Harry? Isn't his name like Styles or something?"

"That's his last name." Justin told. "Come on man. You're the soccer captain. You and the basketball captain should have a good relationship" He suggested. Louis nodded.

"But hey. That doesn't matter for now. Wanna hang out at Robert's pub? After school." Justin asked.

"Care if I join in?" Tonio asked as he changed his shirt. "Sure" Justin said. "I'll see you around man" He left a pat on Louis' back and went out with Tonio and James.

Louis took his bag and went out as well. He considered Justin's suggestion and decided that he should ask him to hangout sometime to keep a good bond between two different school team. He walked towards his red sports car to see Zayn and Niall waiting there. "The fuck are you guys here?" He asked.

Niall rolled his eyes. "To see you. We need a ride to Carlos' dad's pub." Louis just walked to his seat and so did the two boys once they saw Louis walking in. "Did Justin called you too?" Louis asked once the two were in the car, fully seated and gas has started.

They shook their head. "Harry called. He said he had something to talk to us about and he liked it to be at Rob's pub" Zayn said. "Well" Louis started. He drove out of the school's parking lot an son their way to Rob's pub. "I'll be with Justin and Tonio and probably others. Do you need another ride home?"

"Can I crash at your place tonight? I don't feel like going home. My sister came out as a lesbian yesterday and my parents are being so hard on her. The whole house is legit on fire and I don't feel like standing in the middle of it all" Zayn poured out. Niall wide eyes and looked back at Zayn with a gasp. "Well you should be there with her. She probably thinks no one cares about her anymore. You gotta prove you are and she's not alone" Nia stated urgently.

"You and your sister can crash at place anytime, man. You know we got your back" Louis said, eyes still on the road.

Zayn smiled and thanked the two. The made it inside the pub. Louis saw Justin and some other guys in the corner with Carlos, chatting. And in the other side, Harry was sat down by the bar, playing with his phone. His hair was now let loose as it flows down to his shoulders. His lips were so pink and no wonder he hooks up with so many girls. He was wearing some red plaid shirt and some black skinny jeans.

A School's "Angel" [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now