Ship Log 01

76 5 2

[Stardate: 6-18-2017]
[Author: Navigator Noriaki Kakyoin]
[Content Summary: First Day On The Job]

Hello, Ms. Holly!

Mr. Joestar thought you'd be lonely on Earth without any sort of correspondence, so he's charged each of us with writing something for you once a day.

We've only been up here for 5 hours, and yet, I don't envy those stuck on the ground. It's gorgeous here in space, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I wish I had my easel, so I could paint you a picture of the scenery. You'd love it up here.

JoJo is doing pretty well, though, he's not too keen on the height. He'd never say that, though, and he swears up and down that he wouldn't wanna go back to Earth if it killed him. I think he secretly misses you, but don't tell him I said that.

Things have been pretty rough for Polnareff, though, seeing as Sherry loved space. He obviously wishes she  could be here to see it. I don't blame him, as it's hard to be surrounded by something that reminds you of someone you love.

Ah, well, this is getting to be quite long, and the others are practically dragging me away from the computer, so I'll be signing off, for now.

                           Hope you're doing well,

-Log End-

From Space, To You, Ms. HollyWhere stories live. Discover now