The morning after

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Castiel is sitting in a chair by the window when you wake up. The pale morning sunlight etches faint patterns on his skin and you study them, even though tiredness is blurring your vision.

"Cas? Come back to bed," you murmur, rubbing at your eyes as you yawn. He turns to look at you, and though his lips don’t form a smile, his eyes do.

"You’re awake," he says softly. "You usually sleep late."

Rather than tell him that you can’t sleep without him, you just shrug and wait for him to say something else. You’re suddenly conscious of the fact that you’re still naked, and so you reach for his shirt at the foot of the bed.

His voice comes sooner than you expect it to. “Last night was different.”

"Different how?" You ask, retreating under the sheets again once the shirt is on.

"I never thought it would be like that."

"Like what?"

He sighs as he tries to think of the words, confusion clear on his face. “So intense,” he says quietly. 

You realise you’ve asked a fair few questions already, but you figure one more can’t hurt. “Intense how?”

Castiel comes to sit beside you on the bed, so you edge over to make space for him. Tentatively, he brushes strands of hair off of your face as he speaks. 

"I know sex is fun. And good, and everything else. But I never imagined it could be so beautiful. That I could feel so much for a person."

You blush, and lay your head against his shoulder. “So intense was a good thing, then.”

He half smiles down at you, and takes your hand. “Of course. All things with you are good things.”


A voice drags you into consciousness, and gentle hands wander across your skin.

"You awake?" comes the low voice beside you, and you give a faint whining sound in reply. You’re exhausted after last night. He says nothing in reply, just yawns against your shoulder. You lie there like that for a while, feeling the beat of his heart pressed up against your shoulder blades and his breath against the back of your neck.

"How was last night for you?" You ask uncertainly. You can hear the smile in his voice when he replies.

"Last night was… Wow."

You snort. “Eloquent.”

"I’m serious. I liked waking up with you," Dean says, and it’s the first time you’ve ever heard his voice sound nervous. It’s adorable.

"I liked waking up with you too, Dean," you whisper, a smile playing about your lips. 

He chuckles to himself, and nuzzles into the curve of your neck to breathe you in. 


You wake up early, but don’t make any movements. You don’t want to disturb Sam. In honesty, you don’t really know what to say to him; last night was a heat of the moment thing that you’re not sure if he regrets or not. For almost half an hour, you lie there collecting your thoughts. Should you wake him? Should you go?

Waking him seems like the best option.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," you say, nudging Sam in the side. His eyes open almost immediately and it’s clear that he, too, has been awake for a while.

"Sleep well?" he asks, and you nod. 


The conversation dries out even faster than you’d predicted, and so you try desperately to think of something to say. It seems he’s been doing the same thing, because at the very same moment you both begin speaking.

"Gosh, sorry. You first," you say. Sam shakes his head. 

"Ladies first."

Well, damn. 

You clear your throat, and take another deep breath.

"I was just, thinking about, y’know, last nigh. I don’t know if you thought it was a mistake, or-" 

You’re cut off mid-sentence by a kiss that leaves you breathless, and the words disappear from your mind.

"Wasn’t a mistake," Sam tells you as he pulls away. "And even if it was, I wanna keep making it."

Your lips find his again and you mumble the words “me too” against them.

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