I'm Taking Your Girl #part12

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"You see silly bitch , there is nowhere you can go and hide that I can't find and touch you or Nate , Greg had it all but it's just like you greedy niggers you always want more now look at you all tied up , filthy bitch I should fuck you but your not my type !" Vladimir said grabbing Talia's face and slapping her . Vladimir turned to his second in command Nikko and told him to get the hammer and pliers . He had something vicious and diabolical in store for Talia . Nikko came back with the hammer and pliers , he sat them down on the table next to Vladimir . "There are ways we punish women and thieves in Russia , don't worry I'm not gonna kill you but when I'm done you'll wish you were dead ." Vladimir said as he picked up the hammer and pulled Talia's hand to the table as she sat tied up in the chair . He separated her pinky finger from the rest and raised the hammer high in the air and brought it crashing down on her pinky * blamm* Talia screamed ! She could feel the bones in her pinky finger crack and crunch . She looked at her pinky and it was flat and dangling from her hand , she tried to move it and couldn't . She began to hyperventilate and the next thing she saw was blackness she passed out because of all the pain . Vladimir and Nikko looked at each other and started laughing . "Boss she out after the first finger , you owe me a thousand bucks ." Nikko said bragging about the bet they had on how long it would take Talia to pass out . Vladimir reached in his pocket and gave Nikko the cash then he told him to find a bucket of cold water to wake Talia back up . Just then Vladimir's phone rang it was Shelia telling him that Nate was on the way and he busted her face up . Vladimir hung up the phone and told Nikko to go tell the henchmen to get ready their bout to have company . 

Brandon was in the car with Nate and Nippsey . "Look the plan is simple this time around , shoot whatever moves and cover for anybody in trouble and whoever finds Vladimir we take him alive so we can all deal with him personally ." He said . "Brandon I'm smoking his bitch ass if I got a chance fuck what you talking about , this mufucka done tried to kill me don't kidnapped my girl twice , I'm not taking no chances !" Nate explained while looking at Brandon like he was tripping . "Cuz I feel you , but B do have a point we going to this dudes hideout I'm fucking sure he gets stash after stash of money and dope and even diamonds in that bitch , plus we kill his ass slowly ." Nippsey responded holding his gun and knife . Nate looked at both of them and shook his head , they had money and drugs on their minds all he wanted was Talia back safe and sound . Brandon slowed down and said "Wait a minute , they gone be expecting us I'm sure that tranny bitch gave him the heads up that we on our way we got to really be on our shit ." He tapped his brake lights and turned to the side of the road so the two cars following them could pull over . They all talked and knew it was only one way to get in and out . It wasn't gonna be a way to catch them off guard . They'd have to just boguard there way in the compound . 

They cut their lights of and moved in slowly to the mansion . The gates was already open . Nate said "Fuck it floor it Brandon we don't know what's waiting for us !" Brandon did just that . As soon as they reached inside the gate bullets started firing at them . It was three men in front of them Brandon mashed the gas and swung the car in their direction ( screechhh) the tires went as the car momentum went crashing into the men crushing them . Nate and Nippsey jumped out . "I'm hit help me out the car ." Brandon said . Nate grabbed him while keeping his head low from the bullets flying . They seen about six men run out the mansion door . Nippsey homeboys was ready and returned fire and killed them . Nate checked Brandon he was hit in the shoulder . Nate took his shirt off and applied pressure on it . "Nigga I been shot before and yo ass ain't no damn nurse Betty go get your girl and give me that Ak in the car ." Brandon said wincing in pain . Nate reached and grabbed the gun for Brandon . Brandon raised up and started shooting at anything coming out the door and in the house . Nate and Nippsey and two of Nippsey crew ran into the mansion . Nippsey pointed up the stairs and motioned for the two crew members to go up there . Nippsey looked at Nate and motioned him to follow him around the house . They went around the to the kitchen two of the henchmen dressed in black started raining bullets at them . Nate and Nippsey slid on the floor and got behind a metal counter. Nippsey pulled his knife out and soon as one of the henchmen bullets ran out he stood up and threw the knife it hit the henchmen in the eye . Nate stood up and shot him and shot the other henchmen in the head . They went over and grabbed their guns . Nippsey pulled the knife out the henchman eye and wiped the blood on his pants . They heard gunshots coming from upstairs . They went in that direction . They stayed down and close to the wall as they went up the stairs looking like some lions stalking their prey a step at a time . When they reached the top of the stairs they seen the two crew members dead . Nippsey shook his head . *Pow* Nippsey was shot in the leg . As he went down to the ground he seen the third henchmen and was able to get two shots out his gun and hit him in the chest . Nate turned and seen the other one through a mirror reflection and aimed and shot him in the head . He pulled Nippsey towards him . "I'm good cuz just help me up and let's finish this shit ." He said holding onto Nate's shoulder . It was two doors ahead of them that where closed . They heard some footsteps behind them . They both turned it was Brandon . "Y'all mufuckas ain't having all the fun without me ." He said dripping blood on the floor . The last henchmen came out the door screaming with his gun out . Brandon shot him so fast he didn't even get a round off . Nippsey started laughing while limping on his leg "Nigga that was some movie type shit , that bitch went flying back into that room !" He said . One room . Nate kicked in the door . And there stood Vladimir and Nikko with Talia tied up in the chair . #ImTakingYourGirl #part12 

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