CHAPTER 38 [after the call]

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I hear my phone ring and see jacks name pop up. I don't want to answer it because I don't want to shout at him. I decline the call. He rings again. I decline it again. He then texts me:

NoodleHeadBoyfriend<3: I'm so sorry, let me explain please answer or I'm coming round, I love you loo xxx

NoodleHeadBoyfriend<3: I'm coming round, idc, just let me explain

I don't want him to come round. I will go mad at him and ruin it. I text him back.

Me: no please, don't, I don't want to shout and get mad, can we talk tomorrow? Xx

NoodleHeadBoyfriend<3: okay, I am sorry, I love you xxxx

Me: I love you too xxx talk tomorrow

I turn my phone off and flop onto the bed. Out of everyone there is there's only one person I want to talk to right now. I grab my phone and unlock it and scroll through my contacts until I see his name. I press on his contact and call him. I hope he picks up.

Three rings, he picks up. "hey loo" I hear him say, "hi" I say, my voice goes weak, "are you okay" he asks, "I'm fine, I just need someone to talk to and I can't talk to Corbyn, or jack, please come round" I say, "of course, anything for you" he says, "also, bring chocolate ice cream" I say, he laughs. "sure loo" he says and hangs up.

I couldn't talk to Corbyn about it, because he's the one who found them together and jack should tell me before Corbyn gets the chance too. But I can't talk to jack because I'll get mad and shout and won't give him time to talk. I didn't want to pile all of this on Avery either. I'll tell her eventually but not right now.

My mum bursts through my bedroom door, "hey loo, mark and I are taking the twins to the park do you want to...Luna what's wrong" she says as she sees my tear stained, red face. "nothing, I was just watching a sad video, I'll see you when you get back, I'm pretty tired" I say, "okay well, we'll be like 2 hours" she says, "okay bye" I say, "bye sweetie" he says kissing my forehead and walking out the room.

I stay on my phone for the next 10 minutes. I've had texts from Corbyn, I text him back to let him know I'm okay. I know he's just a worried best friend.

I hear the door knock three times. I rush downstairs and open it to see...

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