Chapter 1

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Raven's POV

"Your Mother.... she's back, Fang to" Jeff whispered into my ear. I completely forgot about Helen and bolted down the stairs. As I got there, in front of me was a women with red hair, and bright green eyes. She looked at me and smiled. "M-mom?" I asked quietly. The women ran up to me and enveloped me into a tight hug. "It's been 16 years, since I last saw you" she whispered into my ear. "C-can you follow me" I asked. She nodded and I pulled her out the door and into the woods, with an unfamiliar man following close behind.

-Time Skip-

"Mom, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE ME FOR 16 FUCKING YEARS" I yelled. All my anger coming out from being bottled up. "Please let me explain" she said cautiously. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked behind me, expecting Jack or even Sally. But no it was Helen. "Its alright Raven, calm down" he whispered into my ear. I nodded slightly and looked at my mother.

Dagger's POV

"Please let me explain" I said cautiously. I knew she was angry with me and Toby, but it was something that we had to do. Just then the new boy came out and whispered something into her ear, causing her to nod. Raven looked up at me and said "Explain, and leave nothing out" I looked at my brother who stood beside me and nodded at him.

Fang's POV


"No, I won't leave you!" Toby yelled at me. I growled and protested but he picked me up anyway. "Come on Slendy is close he can fix you up" Toby said urgently. "Dagger needs you now!" I hissed getting madder and madder at him. "She's carrying your child!" I ??yelled. Toby stopped dead and smiled. "You need to save HER, I can get to slender now, Just go or you'll never see your little girl nor.... your son" I said. Something had changed in him, he set me down with regret still in his eyes, and bolted where Zalgo and Dagger was.

-End Of Flashback-

Raven's POV

"Is that it?" I asked. "No, but that's all I know and well your mother doesn't remember much of that night" the unfamiliar man said. "Let me introduce myself, My name is Fang, dog shapeshifter and your uncle"Fang said. "I'm Raven" I mumbled quietly. Helen still had his hand on me but now his arm was wrapped around my waist,causing me to blush. I shook my head and glared at my mom. "Why did you leave me? And what do you mean I had a brother?" I said. "We had to leave you otherwise you would have died, and your brother he was murdered when he was only 5 by your "grandfather"," she said.

Helen's POV

Poor Raven, she's had it rough,almost worst then most of us, but not exactly. Her mother had turned away and was now now talking away to Fang. Raven though, she had tears streaming down her face. I turned and faced her, putting my hand under her chin and lifting her face up. I wiped her tears away with my thumb and took my mask off. My mask was white with black holes where my eyes were, and a red smile. But without my mask, I had brown hair and bright blue eyes. "Follow me" I whispered into her ear.

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