Chapter 5

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Samantha's POV

The creature had just run off as soon as it looked me in the eyes, screaming oh no. I was terrified and Ivan was just sitting there quietly. "I-Ivan a-are you o-ok?" I asked quietly. He didn't say a word nor did he say or nod his head. I walked over to him, hugging him from behind. "Ivan?" I whispered. "О, Боже, почему я так глупо я знаю, что не может иметь вас без затем найти меня"(1) Ivan said under his breath. He turned around and smiled sadly. "Hey Sammy can you do a favor for me?" "Well depends on the favor" I said. "Well I-I need to leave.. And for good" He said hanging his head down. "Y-your leaving?" I said quietly. Ivan nodded "Yeah, you see my Mother died a few weeks ago in Moscow. I thought that I should go say goodbye to her and well keep an eye on my family."

Ivan's POV

I lied. It was all a lie. I never had a mother nor a father because well I'm only a story technically it's hard to explain ok? Sam hugged me and said "I'm so sorry! I'm gonna miss you though" I wrapped my arms around her waist and sat her in my lap, and laid my face in her hair. "I'm going to miss you to Моя любовь.(2) You know I find it funny how you never question what I say in Russian" I said. I didn't lie about me going to be missing her. But I loved her more like a sister or a best friend, maybe one day when she gets married or something I can come back do that. Sam smiled "I've learned to just never question what you say" I looked over to the alarm sitting on the table next to our bed. The clock read 2:45 AM. "Let's go back to sleep okay? I'll explain a little more about me leaving in the okay?" I said. She nodded, already half asleep. I laid her on the bed and started humming an old Russian lullaby.

Ticci Toby's POV

I walked up to the front door of the creepypasta house and smiled. "It's been a while" I said quietly. I very quietly walked into the house and into the living room. Everybody was there, and they were talking loudly about a girl. I softly knocked on the wall and they all looked at me. Some of their faces had shock and happiness that I was back while others had horror filled for they thought I was dead. "T-Toby is that you" said an old friend of mine. "Yeah Jack it is" I smiled. I wonder if Dagger is here? "Toby where's Dagger?" Well that just crushed me. "I don't know. After we have Raven away we, I haven't seen her since" I mumbled quietly. Jack gestured to the seat beside and said "Can you tell us what happened on the night Dagger was kidnapped and the day she left?" I nodded and sat down.


Fang had died from blood loss. And I felt like it was my fault. If I hadn't of met her, If I hadn't of fallen in love, If I hadn't let her stay in that old barn then none of this would've happened. Fang's last words to be had been "Do you know why Dagger came here? She said she had a feeling that if she came here everything would be ok, like it used to be........" I sighed as I remembered the words as I trudged along to a house. I needed a car to get close enough to where I was going and possibly to kill. Hey we're still killers at heart! So I quietly opened the door. 'Why in the world is the door unlocked?" I thought to myself. I walked up the stairs and into a room. There was a little baby, a girl it looked like by the clothes she was wearing. I grabbed my hatchet out of it's hold at my waist and raised it above my head. The little girl opened her eyes and looked at me with the brightest green eyes. They brought back memories... good and bad ones. I slowly lowered the hatchet down and smiled at the baby girl as her little eyes fluttered shut as she fell asleep again. I walked out of the room sighing. "I'm becoming to soft" I mumbled to self. A few years ago I could have chopped that baby until it was mush... But now.... I shook my head of the thought. I walked to the next room, which happened to of been a boys. I walked in and took a look at the boy. He was possibly 16 or 17 and I decided that the little girl would someone to remind her of me, so I left him alone. The parent's room door was huge. As I walked in I saw a king sized bed with 2 sleeping bodies in it. A mother and a father. I nodded good this is what I need. I carefully walked to the women's side of the bed and put my hand over her mouth and held her nose closed so she wouldn't be able to breathe. Her eyes fluttered up and she looked at me with a fear I hadn't seen in a long time. I smiled and her while she tried to scream and she was running out of air. "Didn't anybody ever tell you the more you move, the faster your heart beats, and the faster you run out of air" I whispered into her ear.


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