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"Boo ." I looked toward the voice and saw him he was much more handsome in person than on T.V . He put his hand out to help me up and  I laid my hand in his to allow him to help me.

When I was standing have kept eye contact as I had stood he spoke . "That was quite a preformance . you should be more careful . "

"Thanks ."

"For what ?" he started to circle me .

"For saving me ."

"How presumptuous . " He said from behind me . "So you know Marius ? "

" Yes,  I know alot of things . " I said following him as he circled me making me spin slowly .

"Not how to stay alive aparently . "

I smirked . "I guess we have that in common, although . . " I gave an amused smile with a crinkle of my nose before I spoke . "I think I'm a little ahead of the race here . "

"Well, I can fix that . "

He stepped forward and not really wanting to be bit I thought of some of the rambings Jesse had spoke of . "Your song redeemer It's about the girl with the violin, Isn't it ?Yeah ."

"Is it ?" He stopped . "And what else do you think you know ?"

For some reason the man or I should say vampire sent a thrill through me that I had not felt since when my mother was alive with the servant who I had fallen for and my mother had drained them just to spite me . trying to tell me that I and all other humans were nothing and never would be .

The thrill of him being so near yet not touching me made me begin to shake in want to reach out to him .

"You're. . uh. .  shaking ."he stepped toward me but I steppped back denying his touch for I knew it wrong . But I knew he thought it was from fear .

"Cold." i denied he kept stepping forward soon drawing near a wall .

"Still cold . "

I nodded lieing making him smirk . "So , go on . Tell me more about me . "

"Un peu a concédé ne sommes-nous pas ? (A bit conceded are we not  )" I started in french knowing he was born there from the sharing of Marius not from that silly journal .

He showed true amusement and almost happiness at hearing the language .

I was agianst the wall now . "You want ."

"What do I want ?"

He slowly raised my hand onto the broken window next to us .

"you yearn ." He pressed my thumb down onto  it .

"what do I yearn ?"

"ohh!" I called out when i felt the sting of the glass .

He brought my cut thumb to his mouth . "For what do I yearn ?" He asked before he brough into his mouth making me gasp as i felt his tongue run across the small wound that would be gone by morning . I panicked at first in my heard scared he would taste my mothers blood that flowed through my veins . but I calmed when I saw no flicker he must have taken in enough to get my past .

"To walk with the living . " I accidently qoute his word from his journal word for word . "Out of the . . " I gulped trying to get rid of the cluttering of my thoughts . "Cold , dark wasteland of eternity , " He stopped suddenly my chest still heaving . "What ? " I aske breathily in a whisper.

"Well that makes you a very clever Librarian . . . Talamascan . " he stepped back . "I knew I left that journal somwhere . "

"I mean I did read it but not because I'm a talamascan ." He looke me up and down .

"So is it a good read." He obviously was upset that I'd read it .

"It touched me . " I whispered now stepping toward him .

"Did it now ?"

"Yes , I wonder how you had not snapped before and did what you are doing now . Being alone is very difficult . especially for someone like you who has a need for attention . very similar to my mother a thrill for theatrics . "I said to . "I know something that wasn't in your journal though . "

"And what is that ?"

"The Violin , you still have it don't you ?"

I walked home after before he could respond  greeted by a frantic Jesse who I told everything I had gone through . We both decided to go to his concert in death valley knowing he was in danger of the vampires killing him .

A/N: I hope you enjoyed and please vote for the story it helps me know if you actually enjoy my story .

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