Nagisa a boy or girl?

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(Y/n) p.o.v
  "WAKE UP AND PUT THIS UNIFORM ON!" Aunt bitch yelled.

"NO LET ME SLEEP!" I yell at her and pull the cover back on my head.

But aunt bitch had to pull it off. "Come on and WAKE up!" She yelled again.

"NO!" I yelled back and she came to the side and pulled me on the floor.

I landed on the floor head first. "Ow."

"You should've listened to me. Now put this disgusting uniform on." She said.

"No I'm wearing my clothes." I said.

"Don't argue with me and put the uniform on." She commanded.

I roll my eye. "Get out bitch." I said and pushed her out.

I pick up the uniform. Eh not my style. I threw it at a side and put on a pair of black jeans and my fav shirt and some converse shoes. Then I put on a Thrasher hoodie on. (Did I spell that right?). I left my hair messy today.

I grab my school bag and went downstairs. "I'm ready!" I call out. "No wait I forgot my glasses!" I yelled and went back upstairs.

I grabbed my fake glasses. They make me look smart. (If you have glasses then in this story you have eye contact.)

I smile and went back downstairs. Aunt bitch came from the living room. "Where is your uniform?" She asked eyeing me up and down.

"Don't want to wear that shit." I say and walk past her.

"Put it on! It's school rules."

"Who gives a fuck about school rule." I yell back and went on to school by myself.

As I walked I remember that I didn't know the path to school. I walked back to the house and aunt bitch was there waiting for me. She looked at me and I looked back at her. "You are gonna have to walk with me from now on until you remember the-"

"Just get going lady." I rudely said.

She gasped. "Where are your manners?" She asked.

"Around the corner picking up shit." I answer.

She gets more angry and slaps my head. "Ow! Why are you in a bad mood today?" I pout.

She sighs and closes her eyes and crosses her arms. "Whatever let's get going now."

At the rusty old building.....

"Hey Karma." I greet.

He turns around and looks at me. "Oh hey (y/n)-chan." He greeted back.

I walked to him and he was drinking strawberry juice? Or was it milk? Idk. "You still haven't gotten your uniform?" He asked.

"Oh I did but I'm not wearing that crap." I answer.

"Karma!" I heard a voice and a blue haired girl or boy came.

She was shorter than us. I wanted to laugh at how adorable she looked. She looks at me and smiles. "Hey Nagisa." Karma said.

"Hey your the new kid. Nice to meet you (y/n) I'm Nagisa Shiota." She held her hand out at me.

I smile and shake her hand. "Nice to meet you Nagisa."

"Nagisa is a boy." Karma smirked and my smile dropped.

"What? She is?" I look at Nagisa. "You look like a girl though." I said.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!" He yells and I swear a little.

I put my hands up in defeat. "I'm sorry I didn't know. I h-honestly didn't know." I say.

"It's okay, I get that a lot." He smiles sweetly at me.

Karma burst out laughing. "You really thought Nagisa was girl? What were you gonna bang him?" Karma spoke.

Nagisa and I turned scarlet. "What no?!" I say.

Karma wouldn't stop laughing. Nagisa rolls his eyes. "So do you have any skills?" He asked.

" what?" I ask.

"In killing or assassin skills." Karma said.

"Oh dear no. I was never taught that." I lied.

"My so your an innocent student." A guy with short orange or blonde hair said.

I look at him. "Names Hiroto Maehara." He held his hand out and I shook it. He had another boy next to him.

"I'm Yuma Isogai." He said.

"Nice to meet you both." I smile.

"You should be careful around Karma." Isogai said.

"Why?" I ask. "He looks like a normal teenager." I said.

They all laughed, including Karma. "He isn't what you think he is." Nagisa said. "He much worse."

"I'll say." Karma said.

"You'll say what?" I ask.

"I agree with Nagisa." Karma replied.

"Wait so everyone here isn't nice?" I ask.

"No we are assassin." Nagisa answered.

"The target is the octopus." Isogai said.

"Oh yeah I forgot." I said.

"You are gonna try to kill him right?" Maehara asked.

"Oh no. I don't want to do that. Even if it's okay to kill him I wouldn't dare too." I lie more.

"Bro you are just too innocent." Karma smiled at me.

"Yeah and I'll like to keep it that way." I say.

"Then why did you come here?" Maehara said.

"The only reason you would be sent here is low grades and bad behavior. Or both." Isogai coughed.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah thanks."

"I came here because of my aunt." I answer.

"Who's that?" Nagisa asked.

"Professor bitch." Karma answered.

"What?! Your aunt is professor bitch?" They all asked and I nodded my head.

"That's why you look so damn hot. Is your family all hot?" Maehara asked.

I kinda turned red. "Eh what?!"

He laughed. "Yeah that is the explanation." Karma smirked.

"I was just kidding, I already have someone hot." Maehara said.

"Who?" I ask.

"Isogai." He smiles and wraps his arm around Isogai.

"Oh so you guys are gay?" I ask. Disgusting.

"Yep. Do you have a problem with that?" Isogai asked.

"No I just didn't know Japanese accepts gays. Back in my country gays are not accepted. Most people think is a disgrace." I explained.

"Eh well Japan doesn't fully accept it but most people are okay with it." Karma said.

With that we went to our class. I sat in the back with Karma. My desk was behind the purple haired girl.

Here goes the second day of school........

Karma Akabane X Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now