Shit. Thats all I could name this chapter. Shit.

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Karma p.o.v
  "So then my bro took a picture of us together and I left that day and came here." (Y/n) smiled at us.

"So about what you said that you follow your father rules." I said.

"Oh yeah, my dad was a pro. He had his own rules and I follow them to become like him." I could see sadness in (y/n) eyes.

"Guys can you not ask personal question, can't you see that the poor boy has been through enough." I smile at (y/n) and he smiles back.

"Come on (y/n) we need to go." Professor bitch took (y/n) away.

"Bye guys." He smiles at us.

"Bye." We all said.

(Y/n) p.o.v
  I smile and leave the room. It was nice to tell the truth to them. But when I did I could tell Karma was staring at me. Was there something on my face?

I blush.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"We are going to go check on the house. Make sure that that crazy woman did nothing." She answered.

"Okay." I say.

We walk outside and I see Koro-sensei. "Aunt bitch can you go without me?" I ask.

She looks over at Koro-sensei and closes her eyes. She opens it and smiles at me. "Sure."

With that she left. I walked towards Koro-sensei and apologized.

His tentacles touch my shoulders. "Remember when you asked me if I ever lost someone I loved?" He asked.

I nod my head. "Well believe it or not I did love someone."

I was surprised. "You are capable of love?" I ask cracking up a bit.

"Hey no making fun of me!" He whines.

I just chuckle and pat his shoulders. If it's even call shoulders. "Just tell me."

He smiles. Well he always is smiling and can't move his mouth.

Karma p.o.v
  "Karma?" Okuda stood in front of my desk.

"What do you want now Okuda? Can't you see I'm busy doing nothing?" I ask. I lean back in my chair and put my right hand in my pocket and my left hand in the desk.

She blushes. "U-uh. Do you w-want to h-hang out this s-Saturday?" She asked and looks away.

I tap the desk. "What do I get if I do?"

"I can make any kind of position you want. Any kind and all you want. If you hangout with me on the weekends." She answers.

Now that was a good deal. All the positions I want and all I have to do is hangout with her. "Fine." I agree with her.

She gives me a smile and pushes her glasses up. "T-thank you!" She walks back to her desk.

"So you guys are going on a date?" Rio whispers in my ear.

"No we are just gonna hangout. What can go bad?" I smirk.

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Just be careful."
She walks away to her friends.

Rio p.o.v
  I walk back to my friends. "So what happened?" Kanzaki asked.

"I don't know but I guess Okuda finally had the guts to ask Karma out." I answer.

"Wait doesn't Karma like (y/n)?" Hinano asked.

"I kinda ship those two." Hinata spoke and a blush creeps up on her face.

"Me too. But I don't think (y/n) likes karma like that." I say.

"How do you girl know that?" We hear karma voice. "You girls be shipping me and (y/n) together? We are just friends."

"Sure you are." I smirk at him.

"I'm pretty sure. He's straight, remember?" Karma asked.

"Whatever karma. You aren't supposed to hear our conversation. Go back to your girlfriend." I say.

"Okuda isn't my-" he was cut off.

"KARMA!" Okuda yells and like serious? She is yelling in the class and everyone turns their attention towards her.

She slips her arms into karma arms. Karma had a look on his face like he was trying to comprehend what was going on.

"What now?" He asked.

"Let's hangout now!" She smiled at him.

Karma had a irritated look on his face but somehow Okuda didn't care. She pulled Karma away from us.

"Finally we can talk with no boys interfering." I say and close my eyes. "As-"

"Hey girls!" Okajima interrupts me.

I let out a groan. "What do you want?!" Hinano asked already annoyed by that pervert.

(Next part gonna be better than this.)

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