•will byers•

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it was the first day of school at hawkins middle school. i was very nervous considering the fact that i was new to the town & had no friends whatsoever.

i held on tightly to my binders and books as i looked at my schedule carefully while walking down the hallway. my locker number was 627 & i had history first period. i went up my locker and put away the stuff i had & only kept the things i would need for history.

i decided to be early to find a good seat which to me, would be the very back. i went up the stairs and into the classroom. i greeted the teacher as i looked around and found a good spot.

i sat in my seat as the bell rang signaling it was time to go to class. i was anxious, hoping i'd meet new people who were nice enough to be my friends.

students started flooding into the classroom until most seats were taken. the only seats available were the ones around me since mostly everyone in the class knew eachother. the tardy bell rang a few minutes later signaling that it was time to start class.

it was about 3 minutes into class when the classroom door swung open & a cute looking boy rushed in.

"sorry i'm late, i was having problems with my bike." he said almost out of breathe. "it's ok, just don't let it happen next time. go find an available seat for you to sit in. the teacher said. the boy nodded and started scanning the room until his eyes landed on me and the seats next to me. he started walking towards the seat next to me & sat down.

"since today is the first day, i'd like for you to get to know your classmates. go ahead and introduce yourselves, get to know eachother some more because you all will be sitting in those seats for a long time." the teacher said. once he finished, everyone turned around and started chit chatting about summer.

"hi, i'm will." the boy next to me said, a bit nervously. "i'm y/n" i said with a small smile. "are you new here? i haven't seen you around" he asked, "yeah i am" i answered, "i moved in 2 weeks ago and haven't made any friends, sadly." he nodded & said, "i can introduce you to my friends if you'd like? they're really nice & most people here are jerks. they consider us as the nerds of the school." he then looked down at the table.

"i'd like that, i wouldn't mind being friends with you guys." i smiled. he looked up and smiled, "really? you would?" i nodded. "great! i'll see you during lunch?" he asked. "yeah, sounds good!" "meet me under the bleachers by the fence, you'll see them when you get there." he told me. "alright i'll see you there, will."

the bell rang for second period. i waved goodbye to will and walked to my next class.

lunch time

i walked outside and looked for bleachers by a fence. i finally found them & headed towards them. i waited under the bleachers for a bit & began to hear talking come closer to where i was. it was will with his 3 other friends.

"hey y/n, these are my friends. this is dustin, lucas & mike." will said to me. "hi, i'm y/n. it's nice to meet you guys." i said nicely.

it was awkward at first, but i got more comfortable the more we spoke. the bell rang to go back to class later on & we all had science together.

we walked into class & sat at a table together. i was really starting to like these guys, especially will. when we'd all walk down the halls, everyone would look at us. they'd mostly just look at me, i really didn't know why.

it was finally the end of school, the boys & i split up to go to our lockers & home. i was currently gathering my stuff up at my locker & shut it once i was done.

i walked down the hall heading towards the school doors when my stuff were slammed out of my hands. i looked up to see a guy smirking at me.

"so, i've seen you've been hangin' out with the geeks around school." he said. i rolled my eyes & bent down to pick my stuff up when another pair of hands joined in & helped me. i looked up to see will, he smiled at me & said, "leave her alone troy! she really doesn't need you to be speaking to her."

will & i stood up with my things once we finished picking them up. "oh yeah? and what are you going to go about it?" troy said as he walked closer to will. i can see will start to get a bit nervous. "exactly, you won't do anything about it. you're just a loser & a nerd." troy laughed. "and you're a jerk." i said. "oh am i?" i nodded. "whatever, i really don't have time for you losers." he said & then slammed his fists at the stuff will & i were carrying & walked away.

"i'm sorry, y/n" will said while picking my things up. "don't worry about it will, it's ok." i smiled. he gave me a small smile & said, "you really are the nicest girl i've ever met." he said standing up & handing me my things. "thanks, you're the sweetest guy i've ever met" his friends came up to us as i spoke, "you stood up for me, no other guy would ever do that for me, thank you, you helped me make friends & i appreciate it a lot." i said and then kissed his cheek. "i gotta get going, it was nice meeting you all, bye." i waved as will stood there, a blushing mess.

"y/n wait!" will said. "would you like to go to the park with me later?" he asked while blushing. "i'd like that, will." i smiled

it wasn't a bad day after all.


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