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I woke up with a pounding headache and turned over a checked my phone like normal.

iMessage From: Rannnndaaay.

Gosh she is such a dork. Why does she always change her name in my phone?

Hey bae. I just wanted to let you know that you need to GET THE FUCK UP. I will be over at your house in a few. Now get dressed you whore!

I laughed as I got up and walked into my closet to pick out my outfit. I love the texts I get from Randie because they always make me laugh. As I let my mindless thoughts flow through my head, I grabbed my Nash Grier shirt and a pair of American Eagle jeans. I slipped out of my sweats and put my jeans on and then my shirt. I looked over at my phone that just went off and saw that it was one of Taylor's tweets.

@NashGrier: "Age is just a number." And jail is just a place.

These boys make my life so much better.

I have been to a lot of the boys' meet and greets, but I have never been able to meet Taylor. I met all of the guys but him. He is the one that I am insanely crazy for too. Plus, I only live two hours away from him and I still can't see him.

Honk. Honk.

"Hurry up you bitch!" I heard Randie's voice through my window.

I grabbed my bag that had my clothes in it and ran outside to Ranide's car. Katie, our other friend, wasn't with her yet.

"Where's Katie?" I asked as I got in the car.

"She's at home. Remember you wanted me to pick you up before her?" Randie asked.

"Oh yeah, must have slipped my mind," I said as I put my seat belt on.

"You can go to sleep sleep if you want to. I know you didn't get much sleep last night." Randie turned off the radio.

"Thanks best friend." I smiled as I grabbed her blue aztec blanket from the back seat.

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