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Jack and I have been hanging out a lot since MAGcon. I went to his hotel room last night and we cuddled, but only for a short amount of time because Danielle hit her head. I love Jack, and not just as a fan. I love him much more than fan love. He has been so kind to me. We slept in a chair together when Danielle was at the hospital.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Jack asked me. He played with my hands and then intertwined our fingers.

"About us," I said with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, what are you thinking about us?" he looked me in the eye.

"I'm kind of wondering what we stand as. I don't want to be just a hoe that fucks around with you. I want to be something and if you don't want to be anything then I'll just leave right now." I uncovered myself.

"Randie Rae, I want to show you off. I want to hold you when you have bad dreams. I want to kiss you in the rain. I want to make you food, even though I might be a bad cook. I want to watch the stars with you. I want you to be with me. I just want you to be my girlfriend. Randie, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

I nodded. Jack Gilinsky and I are dating. I get to say it and it's real. It's official.

"I know this is early, but I really love you." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too Ranide." Jack kissed me on the lips.

Perfect is all I could think.

* * *


Taylor and I left early, so we went a bunch of places. The first place we went was to a basketball court, then the movies, and the park. We went to Panda Express and we both got the same thing; noodles and orange chicken.

"Can I ask you some questions?" Taylor asked.


"So what's your favorite thing to do?"

"I don't really have a favorite thing to do. I just like doing whatever. I like basketball, watching vines, making vines, really anything that entertains me." I started eating my food.

Taylor laughed and then said, "That's pretty much what I do."

We talked some more and when some girls spotted us they asked Taylor for pictures and autographs. I rolled my eyes. It was so annoying.

"Oh my gosh. Taylore you're so hot, can I feel you abs?" an annoying blonde asked.

"Sure," Taylor said and moved over to her.

I watched them and then I saw their lips locked. This wasn't my-

I rolled my eyes and just looked down at my plate of food, trying to hide that I didn't see them kissing. I feel tears coming to my eyes and I wanted to let them fall and roll down my cheeks.

Taylor looked at me and I just rolled my eyes. Before I knew it, there was a whole line of girls that wanted to meet him. I sat in silence as the night went on. Taylor kept looking at me from time to time with worried eyes and I just rolled my eyes at him.

* * *

"Sorry about that," Taylor apologized.

"It's fine." I rolled my eyes again. There were about five girls that have kissed him tonight. He didn't push them off or anything. I shouldn't care though because one, I'm not dating him and two, he is just trying to make his fans happy.

"Somethings wrong Danielle." Taylor put his hand on mine.

"No, nothing is wrong," I said and pulled my hand away.


"Fine. Can we go back to the hotel?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let's go." We closed our boxes and started walking towards the exit.

When we got in the car it was silent. My phone started ringing so I pulled it out of my pocket. I didn't recognize the number but I answered it anyway.


"I saw your tweet that you were annoyed, do you want to talk about it?" Cameron's calm, gentle voice came through the phone.

"I kind of can't right now." I looked over at Taylor.

"Are you on the way back?" he asked.

"Yeah." I looked out the window.

"Want me to come pick you up and we can go somewhere? Like on a walk?"


"See you when you get back. I'll be at your room around 10:15."

* * *

"I had fun today. I'm sorry about all the girls though," Taylor apologized.

"I did too and me too," I agreed. "I shouldn't be mad because I would have done the same thing if I was in their position, plus we aren't dating so you can kiss whoever you want." I leaned against his car.

"No, I'm sorry. I really like you." Taylor grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. He pulled me closer so that there was no space in between us and he kissed me. We kissed for about a minute before he stopped.

"I should go." I pulled out of his arms.

Taylor pulled me close to him again and hugged me. I stood there and then started hugging him back.

"I wan't you to have these." Taylor took his hoodie off and gave it to me, and then he gave me his bandana.

"Taylor! Thank you!" I jumped up and down and kissed him on the cheek.


"We should go inside." I started walking.

Shit. I forgot that Cameron was going to be waiting for me in five minutes. I ran into the hotel and went to the elevator. When I
got to my door, Cameron was standing there.

"Did he apologize?" Cameron smiled.

"Yeah." I grinned.


I slid my room key and put Taylor's bandana on my bed. I put his sweatshirt. It was just a bit too big, but it didn't look too bad.

"Let's go."

"Let's go, babe." Cameron put his hand on my back and we walked out.

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