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I looked at the guy who was still on top me and smiled at him. He smiled back and rested his hands on my stomach. His touch made me melt even more. I stared into his beautiful brown eyes and put my hands on his shoulder blades.

"Jack Finnegan Gilinksy, every MAGcon, I hope to see you, but you're always tied up with Chelsea. I've never gotten to meet you because you cancel to be with her. I always wished I would meet you in a good way, and this isn't what I imagined." I smiled at him. He didn't look uncomfortable or mad. He looked calm.

"Thank you, but who are you?" he laughed.

"Randie Rae Hope." I smiled.

"Well, Randie Rae Hope, you seem to like me a lot." Jack smiled.

"I do." I felt my cheeks getting hot. "Can I get up now?" I asked laughing, even though I could stay like this forever.

"Yeah, sorry." Jack alpologized and got off of me. "Here." he held out his hand and pulled me up off the ground.


"You're welcome. Randie, can I tell you something?" he asked.


"I like you, I really do. You're beautiful and nice, even though I don't know you. I think I wanna take you out sometime." Jack smiled. He was still holding my hand which made me shiver. Is this even real life?

"You can take me out anytime that you'd like." I tried not to blush, but stupidly failed.

"Tonight?" he asked.

"Tonight?!" I repeated.

"YEAH!" he pulled me along with him.

"Wait." I stopped. "You could be a fucking murderer!" I gasped and pulled my hand out of his.

"Do you really think that I could be a murderer? You know who I am, now let me get a chance to know you." Jack grabbed my hand again. I got goosebumps and started blushing again.

"Okay, I guess." I smiled and started running with him again. "Wait, where are we going?"

"For a walk in Atlanta. Duh," he replied sarcastically.

"But where at?" I asked.

"Do you like Taco Bell?"

"Love it."

"We're going there. Let's go."

With that being said, we ran all the way to the elevator and rode down to the lobby. We walked to the nearest Taco Bell.

* * *

"So, when did you start to, you know, like me?" Jack asked as he took a drink of his soda.

"I was on vine and one of my friends revined you. I kinda stalked you for like, ever."

"That's cute. Hey, want to know something?" Jack kinda blushed and then grunted.

"I want to know a lot about you." I took a bite of my potatoes.

"Well, this is really the calmest conversation that I've ever had with a fan." he turned bright red. "I've really never talked to one as long as you because they yell and scream." he scratched the back of his neck.

"Do you think of me as just a fan?" I asked with a sad and angry tone.

"No, no!" Jack put his hand on mine. "I really like you. Even though I just broke up with Chelsea."

What is happening right now?

"Jack, really quick, will you pinch me?" I asked.


"Just do it!" I urged.

He granted my wish. I didn't seem to snap out of anything, so this was real.

"I'm glad that you said both of those things, because I really like you!" I stood up and hugged him over the table.

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Not really." I laughed.

"It's true."

"Can we go back to the hotel? I'm tired and I need to get back before my friends wake up. They'll go all 21 questions on me." I chuckled a little.

"Yeah, let's go."

* * *

"Before I let you walk in there, can I have your number?" Jack put his hand on my shoulder, turning me around.

"What kind of question is that?!" I asked as if he was crazy.

"I'm not just going to be an asshole and say, 'yo let me see your phone so I can hit you up in the morning.'" Jack laughed.

"Okay." I gave Jack my phone and he gave me his. We exchanged numbers.

"Goodnight Randie Rae Hope. I hope I get to talk to you again. Sweet dreams gorgeous." Jack gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. "Can I kiss you?" he asked.

"You don't have to ask," I said as our foreheads touched. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and then pulled back.

"Goodnight Jack." I smiled.

"Goodnight Randie." Jack kissed my cheek again.

With that, I walked into the hotel room and took a deep breath. Holy shit.


I hope you guys like that chapter. 😛

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