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"Cheyenne, get through here right now!" Someone shouts angrily from upstairs. I walk upstairs as slowly as I can, and see Ariana standing impatiently beside my door. "Yeah?" I ask, wondering why she would possibly be in my room. "Is this my sweatshirt?" She asks, holding up the sweatshirt I had worn out last night. "Yeah...So? It's just a jumper" I answer, crossing my arms. "Just the jumper Mac gave me before he went on tour!" She snaps. I roll my eyes. "What have I told you about taking my stuff Chey!?" She rants, walking out of the doorway and into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Great. She's in a bad mood again. At least I have Frankie. As if on cue Frankie walks up the stairs, a smile painted across his face. "Hey Hey Chey Chey" He sings as he engulfs me in a morning hug, which he always does. "Hey Frankie" I smile, pulling away from his embrace.

"So, I'm going shopping with Ariana today, do you want to come?" He asks, fixing his pink hair as he speaks. "Yeah sure, I'd love to, but I'm not sure Ariana would want me there" I frown. He returns the frown and skips over to Ariana's room, before walking in. I take this chance and hide in my room, so Ariana doesn't see me. I try my hardest to listen to what they're saying. "Oh my goodness no, I'm not mad at her, I was just annoyed about the sweatshirt, that's all" Ariana gasps. I can almost see her hurt reaction just by what I was hearing. I hear Frankie talking but I don't feel the need to listen. I lock the door in case either of them walk in, and start getting changed. I don't feel like getting too dressed up, so I just decide to wear something casual. I change into a ripped crop-top, and yoga pants, and straighten my long brown hair. Just as I finish, Ariana calls me. "Cheyenne babe, do you mind coming here for a second?" I unlock the door and open it, making my way through to her room. "Yeah?" I ask, sitting on the corner of her bed. "I'm sorry about before, and for the record I most certainly am not mad at you love" She smiles, kissing the top of my head. "Are you okay with me coming too?" I ask, in the sweetest tone possible. Ariana is extremely convincible, and gullible, and I use that to my advantage. Last year, Ariana refused to let me have a 13th birthday party, so I acted heartbroken and bam, she let me have one in the end.

"Of course! Of course of course!" She exclaims, "I'd love for you to come!" She smiles, hugging me tightly. I smirk a little knowing that I had gotten my way and hug her too. "I'm going to get changed but I think we're leaving soon" She informs, as I stand up. "Okay I'll be in my room" I reply, walking out of her room. I haven't told you much about me yet. I'm Cheyenne Butera-Grande, and I live with my brother and sister, Ariana and Frankie, my Mom usually stays with us too, but she's on a business trip. I'm 14 and I'm short with long brown hair, and some people say I look exactly like Ariana, but I don't see it. I have a few close friends at school, and I normally just hang out with them. Both Ariana and Frankie see me as an innocent 14 year old, but I've done things that no one knows about. Bad things too. "Chey we're leaving!" Frankie shouts, snapping me out of my thoughts. I grab my phone and spray some Victoria Secret body spray, before rushing downstairs and hopping into the car, where my siblings sat. We're driving to the shops when my phone buzzes. It's a text from Dylan, one of my friends. I open it and glance up, checking if anyone was watching me. Luckily both Ariana and Frankie were facing the front.

Tom and I are going for a smoke tonight, you going?

I hesitate but decide to text back, occasionally glancing up to see if anyone was watching. 

yeah sure, pick me up at 8

I have to keep my social life a secret from my family, because you don't even understand how protective they are. They'd throw a fit if I told them where I was going tonight.

okay see u then

We arrive at the shops and Ariana drags Frankie and me to about twenty shops. Normally I would be complaining, but I wasn't really paying attention to anything, and honestly I was zoned out the entire time. "Cheyenne love, are you ok?" Ariana asks, leaning down to my hight and placing a hand on my shoulder. The only reason she was taller than me was because she was wearing those five inch heels again. "Fine" I answer bluntly. She sighs and looks upset, staring at the ground. Honestly, I'm not fine. My life is a mess. I tell myself I'm done with the wicked games, the drugs, boys leading me on, everything. But I just keep coming back. I don't mean anything to anyone. All I am to the guys is a good fuck. I only have one best friend, Lucy. She's been my best friend all my life, and always will be. She's always been there to help me, when I'm not 'well'. She always has the best advice. I just wish things were different. "What do you mean different?" Ariana asks, with a confused expression on her fragile face. I freeze. How much of that did I say out loud. "I-I just.." I start, lost for words. "Everything's fine" I smile. She raises an eyebrow and folds her arms. "Oh yeah Chey, I totally  believe that" She replies sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "You can be so sassy" I laugh, avoiding the topic. "As can you, but please, tell me what's going on" She pleads, looking concerned. I told you, she can get so protective so quickly. "I said I'm fine!" I answer, walking out of the shop.

"Chey. Cheyenne" Ariana calls gently. I ignore her and continue walking. "Please Chey" She pleads once again, and I turn around. "What?" I ask, with a pissed off tone. "We can talk about this later, but please, don't go home. We never spend time together anymore." She sighs, hurt in her eyes. "Well, It's not my fault, It's yours!" I accuse, looking her in the eyes. "I know." She sighs. "But please, just for me." I look down and feel guilt wash over me. An emotion I haven't felt in a long time. "I-I'm sorry" I sigh, looking up at her once again. She seems shocked at what I had said. To be fair I hardly ever apologise about anything. "Y-you're sorry?!" She repeats, shocked. I nod and she rushes over and hugs me, the shopping bags still in her hands. "I love you" She whispers. "I love you too" I reply, cringing a little. I never say that either. "What am I missing?" Frankie calls from behind us. "Nothing much" I smirk, pulling away from Ariana's hug. "Just Chey being adorable, that's all" Ariana smiles. "So nothing new?" Frankie adds, making me smile. "Come on guys I want to go to one more shop" Ariana ushers, ruining our moment, and Frankie and I groan.


A/N I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! This book isn't going to be too long, maybe just over 10 chapters, because I want long chapters, and I want every chapter to have drama in it. Thanks for reading guys x

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