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I woke up to Ariana standing above me smiling softly. Startled, I jolted up in bed and began rubbing my eyes, removing all traces of the peaceful slumber to which I was removed from by my sister. "I didn't mean to scare you" She laughs, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside my feet. Turning my attention away from my sister, I glanced around at the empty room which I had once recognised as my bedroom. Without furniture, or even posters on the wall, the empty room only remained my bedroom in my head, memories of friends and family circulating rapidly around my brain causing a single teardrop to race down my cheek, flopping onto Arianas' hand which paitently and understandingly sat on top of mine. "Are you ready to go?" She whispered, snapping me out of my thoughts, whilst her gentle tone clearly depicted her acknowlegement to my feelings, knowing it was hard for me to take in that we were really leaving. My sister knew me better than anyone. She squeezed my hand tightly, apprehensively awaiting a response, and I nodded, forcing a smile. I had to be strong for my sister. It was only us now.

As Ariana left my room to gather any final belongings which lay on the kitchen bench, I grabbed my hairbrush and quickly brushed through my long brown hair, before tying it up in a messy bun. Just like Ariana does. I unpluged my phone and got up off my bed, before tying up my sneakers and following Ariana out the front door. As we waited for our Uber to the airport, I caught myself looking up at the beautiful architecture which I'd always known as home, and sighed sadly. I guess this is a new beginning.


As the plane took off, I glanced at my hometown as it became smaller and smaller the higher we flew, and slipped in my earphones, closing my eyes, and cuddling up to my sister.


"Sweets, we're here!" Ariana whispered softly, nudging me gently. I took out my earphones and looked at her drowsily, a look of confusion painted across my face. "How long was I asleep for?" I yawned, looking out the window to reveal a runway. "The whole flight." she chuckled, gathering her bags and other belongings and reaching her hand out to me. I took her hand and we walked together into the airport, grabbing our bags off of the carousel and searched for a taxi. As I stared out of the dirty taxi windows, Ariana's conversation with the taxi driver became muffled as my mind began to wander. What if Dylan knows where I'm going? What happened between Ariana and Frankie? What if my Dad is here in LA? An aggressive door slam threw me out of my thoughts as Ariana peered at me enthusiastically from outside of the taxi, motioning for me to get out. This was it. A new start.

I hopped out of the taxi and stood next to my older sister, and we both stared at our new home in awe. It was huge, constructed from white stone with huge windows which overlooked the front garden, held tightly together with a neat rose bushes that bordered the garden and stopped in the center to reveal a white stone path leading to the front doors. It was gorgeous. "It's even better than the pictures." Ariana grinned, squeezing my hand which she was still holding. I'm not the type to hold hands, but I was so genuinley happy that I didn't care. This was gonna be a new start for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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