CHAPTER 27-The Village of The Shape Changers

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I was always an outsider.

Sure, I felt differently with her, but she moved on and so did I.

To greater things!

LoG, 297

"You could learn a little from Liton." Malik glared at Drian.

"Luckily, I judged well where Nalon's room was. Imagine me appearing half-naked and armed in some venerable woman's bedroom. Her heart would have stopped beating." Liton chuckled.

"Or she would suddenly become livelier." Ula laughed. "You really have an unexpected talent to arrive at the scene."

Liton guffawed. "I always had it, and I always will. How are you, my friend? The old man is holding up for now?" he asked Drian warmly, searching his face with worry.

Drian only nodded and then answered about his father's condition. "There were better Lights and Darks," he said.

"I see that the bird doesn't get off your shoulder." Liton's sharp eye didn't miss Malik's position on Drian.

"It's logical I'm attached to Mina. We were together for so many Big Ones. Maybe she's just scared of today's events."

"Will somebody fucking do me a favour and talk about me as if I were a male?" Malik screeched.

Changing the conversation topic, Drian pointed to Liton's full combat equipment. "Are you going to a War Parade or ...?" Drian forced himself to smile.

"Ah, that. Hmmm, something like that, only this time it won't be just about parading. Let's say this is a ... Timely preparation."

"Preparation for what?" Ula wrung her hands.

"There will be war," Liton said grimly, looking down at his bare, muddied soles.

Drian said nothing. He stared at his father, but he also absorbed every word. He felt Malik's claws digging into his shoulder.  It looks like the bird considers this information valuable.

"You ... Are you serious?" Ula stepped forward.


"How do you know? There was no war in The Squareworld for many Big Ones now. I mean ... Not since the people of Lagad and Begi had defeated the people of The Forest of Lug and subdued them ... What could cause a war now? We are in a more or less friendly relationship with the people of Lug and the people of The Mountain. The Reka from The River Tebesum as well, since we are trading with them," Ula spoke fast, nervously trying to make the situation clearer to herself.

Drian was grimly tapping fingers on a nearby wooden table.

Liton finally enunciated.

"The Wellers of Begi, Lagad and the surrounding villages of both cities, including our Bronze Cliff, have their underground routes and their communication channels. The voice travels fast through the tunnels," he said.

"A subterranean city," Ula said with awe. "I thought it was just a legend. It exists."

"It does, yes. But it won't be there for long. We'll close the tunnels that connect us."

"But why?" Ula didn't understand. "You are one nation. I know that some of you are looking for water for The Market of Lagad, and others for Begi Market. What does it matter? Despite that little distance, you have so much in common. The way of life, the way of thinking ..."

"Because we will now be on the opposite sides," said Liton. "Lagad and Begi will go to war."

"The towns will fight each other?" This information stunned Elder's daughter.

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