chapter 1

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A throbbing pain pulsed through Maram's skull, a dull ache that made her whole being protest with a groan. Disorientation washed over her as she tried to open her eyes. The darkness felt suffocating, pressing in on her from all sides. Briefly, she panicked, the air thick with the mingled voices of fear and despair.

Where was she? Memories flickered like dying embers, fragmented and indistinct. A heated confrontation, a sense of betrayal, the chilling sensation of cold steel biting into her flesh... then nothing.

Finally, her eyes adjusted to the dim light filtering through a crack in a heavy door. The scene that unfolded before her was a tableau of human misery. People, a diverse collection bound by misfortune, sprawled across the cold, damp floor. Their faces, though hidden in shadow, were etched with worry and despair. Some cried, their sobs muffled and raw. Others muttered in fragmented sentences, their voices laced with fear.

Maram pushed herself upright, a hiss escaping her lips as the movement sent a fresh wave of pain through her aching body. Scraps of memory surfaced – a brutal interrogation, harsh words flung at her, the chilling sensation of cold steel biting into her flesh. But why? What had transpired?

A small voice, barely a whisper, cut through the oppressive silence. It came from beside her, a delicate presence radiating an odd sense of calm amidst the chaos.

"How are you, miss? I heard you screaming last night and then just some silence after that... so I thought maybe you were... you know, gone."

Maram swallowed, her throat parched and scratchy. The brutal interrogation explained the soreness. "Screaming? Silence? What... why?" Her voice emerged hoarse and weak.

"Well, you screamed a lot... and then you just stopped talking. So... I thought..." the voice trailed off, laced with a child's innocent concern.

"Thank you, little one," Maram said, her voice softening. This child, her presence a beacon of unexpected hope in the darkness, deserved reassurance. "I suppose that means I'm still alive... so that's good, I guess."

"Lian," the voice chirped. "My name is Lian."

Maram focused on the sound, trying to discern the child's age in the gloom. The voice, with its gentle lilt, suggested perhaps five or six years old. "Lian," she repeated, the name rolling off her tongue with a strange familiarity. "And mine is Maram."

A beat of silence followed, then a small voice, laced with a hint of doubt, asked, "Are you Arabian?"

Maram frowned, a flicker of unease creeping in. Why the question? "Yes... I suppose we all are here, are we not?"

Another pregnant pause, then Lian's voice, barely a whisper this time, replied, "...."

Unease morphed into a gnawing anxiety. Maram searched her pockets, a desperate hope flickering within her. Her phone – the only connection to her past, her only lifeline – was missing. Panic clawed at her throat, suffocating her.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, a sliver of light pierced the darkness. A memory, vivid and unsettling, flooded back – a confrontation with the King of Aethel, harsh words about defying the social order... then darkness. She had been captured for daring to dream of a more equitable future, but by whom, and for what purpose?

Maram, once a leader who dared to challenge the status quo, found herself a prisoner, her past shrouded in fragmented memories. As she wrestled with the returning flashes of events, a single, burning question echoed in the oppressive silence: How did she end up in this desolate place, surrounded by strangers in the grip of despair? The answer, she knew, lay in the fragmented memories flickering within her mind. She had to find a way to piece them together, to reclaim her past and understand her present.

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