Luke's feelings

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What do you mean your the one who should be crying? I never got to sing songs with mom or watch her play guitar or piano or bake things. I don't remember her hugs or her voice! Every time dad thinks about he gets all emotional so he took all her photos of the wall! I have to tare this house apart just to find something that reminds me of her! Do you how sad that is?! Luke I understand that your upset but that's no reason to take it out on me or dad or Ariel or anyone! Dad hasn't dated since he was like 20 years old. That's too long for him to be single! Don't you want dad to be happy I ask him. Of course I want dad happy! But I wish he could be happy with mom! And I also feel left out! You guys got to spend time with mom. The last time I've seen mom was probably 2 weeks after I was bought home from the hospital. Which was also the night before she died! Luke just try to get along with her for dad! Well if it makes him happy I'll try he says. Good because she's coming over for dinner tomorrow night. What?! you tricked me! Luke just try! Fine! But can you make me a sandwich I'm hungry Luke asked me. I'm your sister not you slave get your own meals I say and walk out his room.

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