Austin and Trish's convo and what's outside ally's window

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Trish's pov

I ran home and locked myself in my room. My mom knew something was wrong so she told me to come out and talk to her about it but I told her I wanted to be alone. I can't believe Dez really believes Christine. I can't believe he yelled at me I mean I didn't know he had it in him! A few minutes later I get a call from Austin. I answered the phone mad, that means I was screaming so Austin's voice began very shaky. He always get scared when I scream, which I enjoy. He wants me to help him get revenger on Emma by calling a cam crew. Then he told me his idea then I clearly. He said he already told dez and ally but he also said ally was upset. I told him I would talk to ally if he talks to dez. * end of pov*

Austin: Why you mad at dez?

Trish: Because he's so fucking stupid and gullible! He going with Christine because she said she was sorry and she apologize to me next time she see me! I don't believe that!

Austin: Fine i'll take to him. But please check on ally she sounded like she was about to cry!


Ally's pov

Everyone is avoiding me in this house and considering that dad just went to the movies with his friends from work I'm in this house with 2 angry siblings. I was getting hungry so I decided  to make me a salad. When I went downstairs and turned my back away from the door I something in the corner of my eye. LUKE THAT'S NOT FUNNY! Ariel comes down the steps. What are you talking about Luke's gone with a friend. he asked dad before he left. Ally he asked before he did something a skill you seem to lack!

Ally: A, please!

Ariel: sorry I wish it didn't bother me so much but it does! if you need me i'll be in the shower! * runs up stairs*

*Back to pov*

If that wasn't Luke then what was it I thought. Maybe I'm being paranoid. But then I saw it. Like a shadow outside of my window. ARIEL!!! She came downstairs with jeans and a bra on. The waters running, what is it?! I told her I saw something. Ally nothing... she paused. It's outside she said. She grabbed me over to stair case and we hide under it until whatever the heck was outside went away. Ariel told me to call dad and then put all the blinds on the windows and the back door. I double checked the locks on the doors and windows even though the back door was maxi glass. I turned all the lights off all over the house and Ariel turned off the shower and put her shirt back on. The whole house was dark and quite. Even though we saw the person move from outside we weren't taking any chances. Ariel and I locked ourselves in her room until my father came hom

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