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Author's Note (just a quick hello!)

Hi there, lovely humans! This is it! The first chapter to my novel, Dangerous Love. I'll be uploading 2 chapters today and from here, I'll upload 1 chapter every Wednesday. Thank you so much for reading my book! It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy the story and if you want to suggest anything, feel free to comment or message me.

Also, please vote and share the novel!

I love you all xx


"Only two more weeks until you finally get to call yourself a college girl. Yay! Are you excited, sweetie?" Mom chirped. Is she for real?

"Uh, no." I reply. Her eyebrows rise for a moment and then drop.

"Oh come on, Talia. Show some interest." She says, giving me a rub on the back. I straightened my posture and froze.

"Please don't call me that." I say under my breath.

"Call you what? Talia?" She replies.

"Yes." I respond plainly, trying to sound unbothered.

"Honey, stop trying to bottle things up. It's better that you let it out. I understand that you want your old life back and I wish I could give it to you, but you know that can't happen. Especially now that..." I raise my hand, stopping her midsentence.

"If you need me, I'll be in my room."

Before she could speak, I zoomed to my room. I'm not usually like this, but when she said my name, it felt different. It sounded so... wrong. I guess I just wasn't feeling the night. It's 10:32 in the evening and I had nothing else to do. I grabbed my phone and put my music on shuffle.

"Coz baby now we got bad blood. Y'know it used to be mad love. So take a look what you've done. Coz baby now we got bad blood, hey!"

I like Taylor Swift's songs. They speak so much. But now, listening to this song made me feel something else. Maybe because it's about... blood. Of course! I didn't drink any blood today. Well, shit. I grab my coat and put on my boots before I head down.

"I'll be going downtown. I need to drink." I call out to my family.

"Wait! Stephen and I are coming." Simon says. Great. I wasn't expecting company, but okay. They grabbed their coats and followed me out. "Bye mom, bye dad." I yell from the door.

"Don't stay out too late, okay? Stay away from strangers!" Mom replied. Wait, what? She's seriously saying that? The three of us give her a look of confusion.

"Mom, what are you saying?" Stephen asked, puzzled looks still on our faces.

"I'm trying to sound like a normal mom... That's what normal moms say, right?" She grins.

"Uh, yeah. Sure, mom. Just don't grin like that. That's not normal." I said.

"Oh whatever. Now go drink lots of blood, okay?" She says. Normal. Yeah, right.

Before we knew it, we were already down town. People were crossing the streets, having dinner at fast food chains, chattering and laughing. If I weren't a vampire, would life be a lot easier? I bet. I want to actually be able to inhale and exhale oxygen, as if my life depended on it. I wanted to experience menstruation.

Yes, I've heard that it's the worst thing a human body can do, but I was just curious. I never had those sudden cravings for food. I've only ever craved blood. Red, scrumptious, fresh blood. My mouth started to water. Damn was I hungry. I keep a balanced diet of at most 4 people per week. But there are times I spoil myself and go for 5 or 6... maybe even 7.

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