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As promised, here's Chapter 3! I might upload the fourth one this Friday :) stay tuned! Thank you so much for reading my book! I love you all xx




After we finished feeding, we ran back to our city. Once we reached the busy streets of Palo Alto, I had a sudden craving for pancakes and ice cream.

A few weeks ago when we moved in to our new Clan House, I walked around the city and immediately drew a map in my mind.

I took note of malls, parks, diners and other places that would be useful for us.

"Up for some pancakes?" I hesitantly asked Macey. I bit my lower lip, though I didn't know where the hesitation came from, since I knew she'd also want some.

"Dude, you don't have to ask me twice!" She replied. "Any suggestions?"

"I know the perfect breakfast diner not too far from here. Let's go!" I said excitedly.

We ran like kids, surpassing other people and not minding what they had to say about our immaturity. My mouth started watering at the thought of eating stacks and stacks of pancakes.

Don't be fooled by this perfect body of mine. I could eat a whole week's worth of food and wouldn't regret it. I had nothing to lose, right?

We reached King's Cafe and I could smell the delicious aroma of breakfast food and coffee. Macey and I entered the restaurant and we were greeted by the homey ambiance.

Cinnamon and vanilla scents were floating in the air. A waiter looked at us and gave us a warm smile.

"Good morning, ladies. Table for two, yes?" He asks.

"Yes, please." I say while smiling.

The waiter leads us to a table near the window. From here, we had a nice view of the downtown area. Busy but pleasing to look at. All the hustle and bustle sort of gave me a nostalgic feeling.

It reminded me of the early 1900s in Russia. Good old days...

"Here are the menus, ladies. Today's specialty is the Smoked Salmon Benedict." The waiter said. "So, what will it be?" He adds. I look down at the menu and search for the pancakes.

Classic Pancakes, nah. Very Berry Pancakes, nope. Blue Monkey Pancakes. Yes!

"I'll have the, uh, Breakfast Medley, hold the tomatoes, a glass of cranberry juice, Blue Monkey Pancakes with cream cheese on the side." I look to him and smile.

"Extra syrup, please." I add. His eyebrows raise and he nods.

"Well, I'm having the Smoked Salmon Benedict, a cup of hot chocolate and French Toast with fresh strawberries. Oh, drizzle some chocolate syrup, please." Macey says.

The waiter looks to Macey, then to me. He nods his head once more then tells us that everything would be ready in ten minutes or so before excusing himself.

He looked surprised when we were stating our orders. That's just how it is, dude.

"So!" Macey chirped.

"So?" I reply. She shrugged her shoulders and gestured for me to say something.

"I dunno. I just felt like saying 'so' would be appropriate." She says. She grabs the salt shaker and shakes it from side to side.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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