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I closed my eyes for a moment and listened to my surroundings. Taking deep breaths from time to time, I allowed the world to consume me.

I actually forgot Macey was with me. I was brought back to reality when she coughed.

"Natalia? Are you okay?" This time, she really looked worried.

"Yeah. Just don't call me that." I replied.

"Why? That's your name." She said. She turned to the mirror of my dresser and brushed away a few stray hairs.

"Not anymore." I tried to bite back the bitterness but failed. She faced me and raised an eyebrow, giving me an 'are you kidding me?' look. She waited for a reaction, but I didn't need to give one.

My heart started racing for no reason. Yes, I do have a heart. A bluish, cold, beating heart. I'm not completely dead, nor was I alive either.

I didn't need to be any of those to be classified as a vampire. I guess you can call me a zombie because we're also defined as "The Living Dead". Ironic, right?

"Nat, if you keep bottling things up, it's gonna get you nowhere." She said. What the hell? She's starting to sound like my mother!

"Keeping things to myself got me here." I say while throwing my hands up. "And no, Macey. I don't need a new love life." I added. But the thought of having one did excite me and it got me thinking.

"We have two more weeks before college! Maybe we can get you a summer fling!" Excitement reeks from her face.

"No." I say blankly. She pouts. "That's not gonna work on me." I add.

Summer flings are never a good idea. I mean, what's the use? What good are you to each other after summer? Most of the time, people get hurt because the love is one-sided. I'm not up for that shit. I'd rather kiss a wolf. Wait, scratch that. I'd go for the summer fling.

"Nat, can you braid my hair?" Macey says. "The waterfall braid, please." I sit on the edge of my bed and motion her to sit in front of me. I grab locks of her hair and start the do.

"Why don't you want to be called Natalia anymore? It's a pretty name." She says. It was a pretty name...

"Because" I pause. "I don't know. Maybe I want to forget everything in the past." I say hesitantly.

"You? Forget your past? Yeah, right." She says sarcastically.

"I want to give "Natalie Larson" a chance. This is one of the many chances I ever had and maybe this time it would be different. Who knows, right?" I say wryly. She lets out a sigh.

"Suit yourself, Nat. As long as you don't get hurt. You know I'm always here, right?" She reassures. I smile.

After a few minutes, I finished off her do with a white bow. It looked pretty against her blonde, shiny hair. If there was one thing I envied about Macey, it was her hair. So straight and long. Mine was wavy, long and brunette, but I still liked hers.

"All done." I said while rubbing my hands against her back.

She stood up and headed for the mirror. The moment she saw her hair, she gasped. She twisted her body from side to side, trying to get a view of her hair. I grabbed the detachable mirror and raised it up for her to see its reflection.

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