chapter twelve

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noah's point of view;

     as the day moved along, ed and i had so much fun. we ended up eating at taco bell because we had forgot to pack food. but other than that the day went pretty well. it was a little chilly for the zoo so we were stuck shivering to death when we were outside walking. half the time, the animals were inside so we were stuck just looking at nothing. i honestly didn't mind though. ed kept me company. we had learned so much about each other that day. i learned that he prefers cats over dogs, mac n' cheese over chili, he drinks beer when available, he enjoys being on tour and meeting his fans. he loves winter because he enjoys watching old movies and cuddling up by the fire. he seemed so perfect to me and i wish today didn't haven't to end. 

i wonder what he's thinking..

ed's point of view;

     my god, she was beautiful. never in my life have i ever wanted someone so badly. the way her hair fell just above her waist was just magnificent. her eyes sparkled and her lips were so soft.  i wanted her in every way possible. i know i'm a couple of years older than her, but when she turns eighteen, she's all mine. 

     as we came to an abrupt halt at the penguin terrarium, her eyes grew wide and she squealed. i smiled. she is so god damn cute and adorable. i walked behind her and wrapped my tattooed arms around her waist and very lightly nibbled on her neck. 

"ed!!" she squealed. god, she perfect. 

     we kept walking hand in hand and finally reached the exit. today was incredible. i wished today could become everyday. but my tour just started a couple of months ago and i know she wouldn't just drop her schooling to come with me. but my god , i can't wait to live with her and cook with her and sleep with her. she's my life and i will protect her with all that i have in me. 

     we walked back to her car and plugged the aux cord in. i looked out the window and waited for the song to start. the song started and my heart instantly dropped. "perfect." she started singing along and her voice was amazing! she looked at me and begged for me to sing along. i chimed in towards the middle of the song. 

noah's point of view;

ed kept looking over at me every so often and smile for no reason, i kept replaying what happened at the penguin terrarium and could still feel his hands wrapped around ,y waist. i giggled. 

     as we pulled up to his hotel, i get out to give him  hug and a kiss good bye when he suddenly asks for me to join him upstairs. i accept and i park my car, only to quickly glance at the time and leave my phone locked in my car. 9:52 pm 

i followed him upstairs and his place looked pretty nice. i thought this was probably where all the celebrities must stay. he pulled my waist towards him and he began to kiss me, softly. he had me pinned against the wall. i liked this kinky ed. i could feel something hitting my lower leg and i moved my hand down a gently grabbed his dick. he let out a soft moan and he picked me up and threw me on the bed. slowly undressing me. 

hey guys, little update for ya! sorry it's been a few days. but the chapters to come, you will enjoy so! have a good weekend! i'll try to update tomorrow. until next time, enjoy!! xoxo

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