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It was around this time of the year, when you asked me to be your partner. We would go on dates in the park, to the movies and onto over rated ice cream dates. I would meet your family and you would meet mine. We would have inevitable couple fights and have make up sex afterwards. We would tie the knot and have three children. A girl and two boys. They will grow up to the the prettiest and most handsome lady and men the world has ever seen. Soon, they'll start a family of their own and leave the both of us to grow old together. We would travel the world and see every inch there is to see. Then we will take our final breath together. A shame. That I didn't agree to be yours. A shame, that I was shrouded in a cloud of oblivion to your true feelings. Because, before you, I was the second choice. I didn't know how it truly felt to be loved and thus couldn't reciprocate my feelings to you. I'm sorry. I hope that you will find someone better than me.

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